There is no greater example of New Testament zeal and dedication than that of the apostle Paul. If any had the right as well as the moving of the Spirit to admonish us to “present our bodies a living sacrifice,” it was this great man of God. What motivated such a life? If we are to be people who even begin to approach Paul’s accomplishments, what will move us? We could simply say the Holy Spirit, or love or many other things but a study of Paul’s writings will reveal a wide variety of motivators. The Spirit moved him to share them with us so that we too, regardless of our age, may be dedicated to the call of God.
For this study we turn to 2 Corinthians 5:1 and would suggest a reading through 6:10. We will concentrate on 5:1 for this lesson.
KNOWLEDGE was an important factor in Paul’s life and ministry. In this day of uncertainty about almost everything it should be of real value to anyone to be able to say with Paul: “For we know…” We are aware that not only what he knew but the Person whom he knew made up this motivating knowledge. Jesus told us the importance of knowing the right things when He said: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Every Christian should experience the fact that as he comes to know Jesus Christ personally and to know the power of the indwelling Spirit through daily experience, that the logical result is motivation to dedication.
What are some of the thigs mentioned here that Paul knew? The first verse tells us that our earthly house will one day be dissolved, done away. Other passages tell us that the mortal must put on immortality and that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. In a day when all too much emphasis is put on the physical being to the exclusion of the condition of the spiritual self, we would do well to take heed to Paul’s words. No matter how healthy or sick, old, or young, man or woman, pretty or ugly, well fed or undernourished-this earthly house, this dwelling place of the soul will not last forever. Surely this knowledge will help us to not place too much importance on the care and the looks of this outer shell. We find this to be of greater importance than the latest fashion or hair color or wrinkle remover. To be sure, this body is also the temple of God and is not to be neglected or abused. But a greater problem among God’s people today is to place too much importance and spend too much time and money on the physical. Paul’s knowledge of the fact that it was limited in value and far less important than the spiritual appearance made him the spiritual and beauty he was.
One other thing Paul knew that is closely related to the preceding was that when this physical tabernacle was dissolved that God had prepared an eternal one for His children! (2 Cor. 5:1b) Nothing else ever gave such hope. The groans of verses two and four are gloriously turned into hope because of this knowledge of a God-made tabernacle. He talks about this condition in Romans 8:21-23 also. It was this knowledge that made Paul write: “But I am in a strait betwixt the two, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.” Praise the Lord, that is all the Christian must look forward to—all the “betters” that are going to be ours because of His continued grace and love! Paul had a knowledge of something that even death could not destroy.
Do you KNOW the One that gives such hope? Die to self-daily and live for Him minute by minute and come to know the things that made Paul the dedicated man he was for the Lord. And to be sure, we need more like him today!
–Julius Hovan, in “Word and Work,” Vol. LXIII, No. 6, June 1969.
Julius Hovan is a mostly retired Minister of the Lord and resides in
Gallatin,, TN.