The Healing Itself. Acts 3:1-4
Peter and John, as it was their custom, were traveling to the Temple. They would enter through the vast Court of the Gentiles through the gate that was called Beautiful. It was the ninth hour, that is, 3:00p.m. It was the hour of prayer associated with the evening sacrifice. The scriptural background for this practice is found in Exodus 29:38-41; Psalm 55:17 and Daniel 6:10
The lame man they met was well known to the multitudes who came to the Temple. We’re told that he was 40 years old and that every day he was brought to the same spot. It was advantageous to be in such a good spot as many people entering the Temple to worship had to pass him by giving him the opportunity to ask of them alms.
It was at this time that Peter and John arrive on the scene. The lame man asked of them alms. They said, “Look at us.” I’m sure he expected them to give him alms.
But we find out that Peter and John had nothing to give of monetary value. In the Name and authority of Jesus the lame man was healed. He could now walk. He had never walked before, but now was doing it like he had done it all his life.
He went into the Temple with Peter and John, all the time leaping and praising The Lord for the miracle he had experienced.
In verse 9, we are told that the people in the Temple were aware of the change that had occurred. They said, “isn’t he the one who used to beg alms at the Beautiful Gate? What’s happened to him?” The multitudes gathered at the Portico of Solomon. It ran the length of the east side of the outer court of the Temple.
The Second Gospel Message. Acts 3:12-26
Seeing the people gathered, wondering what had happened, gave Peter the opportunity to preach to them. He told them that he and John had not, of their own power, healed the lame man.
In verse 13, they referred to the God of Israel and declared that He performed a miracle when He had glorified Jesus Christ. He reminded them that they were the ones who had brought Jesus before Pontus Pilate. They were the ones, when Pilate sought to release him, called for his life. Verse 14 says that the Jews rejected their Messiah in favor of a murderer.
In Verse 15 Peter tells them that although they crucified the Christ of God, the Father raised Him from the dead. The grave could not hold Him. He had conquered death itself. The apostles stressed the fact that they were witnesses to the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. He told them that it was by the authority of the Risen Savior that they were able to heal the lame man.
In verse 17 he says that although they and their rulers acted in ignorance, they should have known that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Although they had acted n ignorance, God would not overlook the ignorance.
In verse 18 he tells them that the Word of God prophesied that the Messiah would have to suffer. An example is found in Isaiah 53. The Jews could not see how Jesus could be the Lion of Judah and still be a suffering Messiah.
In verse 19 Peter give the Jews present a chance to repent of their sins and accept Jesus as the promised Messiah. Verse 21 tells us that Jesus must remain in Heaven until the times of the restoration.
Verse 22 tells us that Jesus incorporated the Old Testament concept of a Redeemer. He was both Prophet and Messiah. If one does not heed the words of Jesus, that one is lost.
Peter informs the crowd that the prophets from Samuel on spoke of these days and witnessed to the fact that the Messiah would come. In verse 25 Peter says that Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Genesis 22:18.
The chapter ends with Peter telling them that it was God who raised Jesus from the dead to bless the world. One fact that can be learned from this chapter is that God wants everyone to repent and acknowledge His Son as Lord
In preparation for the next lesson, read the 4th chapter of Acts. The lesson will be titled “Why the Early Church Grew.”
Larry Miles is Co-Editor of Word & Work and attends the Cherry St. Church of Christ in New Albany, IN