Some of what is here is repeated due to the content and may be in need of an update.  If we do get an  update soon we will post to the W&W website. If YOU know of any updates or a NEWS Item for News and Notes, please get them to me at least a week before the end of the month for use in the next month’s edition.



       Woodland Bible Camp 2025 Schedule is now on their website. Woodland Bible Camp

Fifth Sunday Song Service Dates

March 30, 2025———Hamburg Church of Christ, 6:30 p.m.

June 29, 2025———–Sellersburg Church of Christ, 6:30 p.m.

August 31, 2025———LaGrange Church of Christ, 6:30 p.m.

November 30, 2025—-Utica Church of Christ, 6:30 p.m.


       The annual Ladies Inspiration Day (LID) will be held at Cherry St. Church of Christ on April 26th.   The theme is “A Sister in Christ is a Sister for Life”   The study will be Women of the Bible.  We encourage you to get the message out to your churches and encourage the ladies to attend.  The last two years had very good attendance and we are praying for a good group again.

More detailed information will be in the March News & Notes.

        Lilly Dale Church of Christ is searching for a full time minister for our congregation. There are no upper or lower age or experience requirements. The church leaders are looking for the one who is called to minister to the congregation at Lilly Dale.    

For further information please contact one of the Elders:

 Brian Williams: 812-449-4961,  or Terry Sutcliffe: 812-836-2639,

     Tell City Church of Christ is searching for a full time or part time minister. 

Contact Michael Elaman, or 812 547 7621 for inquiries.

        Goin’ Fishing Ministries

       Please continue to pray for the Christians in Ukraine.  Those that we know have so far been safe, though many of them lost their homes and had to relocate. Those remaining continue to hold church services where possible and spread the Word of God and help others with food and supplies as they are able.  Missile attacks continue to cause widespread damage to the electrical grid as well as damaging buildings and killing citizens.  For many, no electricity means no heat.  This is a very serious problem as the cold weather months have arrived.      Please pray for an ending of this terrible war.  Much of the above is still true at this time.

       We received a letter from Arthur Ohanov in Ukraine telling of some of their mission activities. One of the things he mentioned was that they are limited in their work, as far as traveling, due to the military restrictions and dangers.  Their main work is in Zhytomyr and surrounding region.  They do have an established church that is well attended and every member participates in some way in the work of the church.  One of his prayer requests:  The government has passed a law exempting church ministers from being drafted and taken to the front.  There is still some clarification going on and he asks for prayer that this will become a permanent law.  Also pray that the war will come to an end.  Please keep the Christians who live in Ukraine in your prayers that their work might be a shining light in an area that is deep into a war.  “Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of Heaven and Earth, the sea, and everything in them – He remains faithful forever.” Amen  Psalm33; 20-22.

Donations to Goin’ Fishing should be sent to P O Box 2063 Denham Springs, LA 70726.      

    Keep in prayer the situation in Israel.  This is God’s chosen land for his Chosen People.

   Please pray for Dan and Meg Price as they labor in Israel.   The current news reports that a cease fire may be in the near future.  Pray.    If you wish to watch the presentation that Dan Price presented at Portland Ave. CofC, click here:

     Hurricane Helene, and/or Hurricane Milton just 2 weeks later, have devasted and destroyed much of the Carolinas and Florida. Even now there are many that have not recovered from the devastation.  In the Carolinas, there were many deaths and even now there are folks living in makeshift tents in cold and windy weather.  Much help is still needed. Samaritan’s Purse is very much present there helping those in need.  If you wish to donate below is the address.

And in California, many homes, schools, and other structures have been destroyed by the wild fires that are still raging and many need prayer for their situation.

Samaritan’s Purse is active in both of these areas. You may donate to their efforts at:

Samaritan’s Purse
PO Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607

     SCEC Report from Terry Morrison.  This is worth repeating again, especially if you attended either Kentucky Bible College in Louisville, KY, and/or Southeastern Christian College in Winchester, KY.  

Southeastern Christian Education Corporation has answered requests from 25 students this year who are attending eight different Christian Colleges for total grants of $65,000. Each student will be receiving $2,600  per year. Over the years SCEC has given grants totaling over one millions dollars since the closing of Southeastern Christian College and the formation of SCEC as a non- profit private foundation. SCEC also supports the mission work in the Philippines through a $2,600 annual gift to Church of Christ Worldwide.  


     Southeastern Christian Education Corporation was established after Southeastern Christian College in Winchester, KY, closed, in order to use the funds from the sale of the property to the city. The funds are used for grants to eligible students to help cover the cost of a Christian college education.  Donations are welcome and accepted and should be sent to SCEC, 476 Sparrow Lane Harrodsburg, KY 40330. A donation to SCEC would be welcomed and certainly be put to good use. Make check out to SCEC.      

The Following item was sent in by Steven Allen, Gary Butts and Owen Shilling  from Portland Avenue Church of Christ, Louisville, KY:

The Portland Ave. congregation is investigating the possibility of joining forces with the Cup of Joy, a local ministry directed towards people recovering from addictions. They have been having Sunday meetings in their coffee shop and are usually packed out with over 100 people. We  have a large auditorium and not many in it. It seems the Lord is working in the ministry at the Cup of Joy and it would be good to facilitate that work. (Steven Allen)

Compiled by Sandra Naugle, Co-Editor of Work & Work.

We do repeat items from past months in the News & Notes if they are still active.

Any news or announcements pertinent to this News & Notes  are  welcome.  Inclusion is at the discretion of the editors. Please send to or call or text to 502-494-4185 or mail to 545 Linnwood Ave.  Sellersburg, IN 47172.