From Jacksonville, Fla.: We closed the revival at Largo with 5 baptisms. Great spirit of brotherly love prevailed, said Brother Belcher, an elder and deeply spiritual man. Leon Humphries led the singing very effectively. Here at Jacksonville our new church home is under construction. By permission of the authorities, we brought a man from the jail to the church house on Dec. 9, for baptism. Upon being raised with Jesus from the watery grave, he shouted in the joy of sins forgiven. –H. N. Rutherford.
From Franklin, Ky.: Everything moves along fine here. We are to remain for the coming year. I am teaching a Bible class and have a cottage meeting every week now. The days are evil, and we must work before night comes. —J. M. Hottel.
Dasher Bible School is getting along really well with an attendance of about one hundred; five teachers. We certainly appreciate the good things in the Word and Work. Keep right on with the whole counsel of God. May God prosper you. H. C. Hinton.
We supplied almost a thousand books to our readers last month. Thanks to all for the orders.
Last night it was my great pleasure to hear brother G. A. Klingman preach. He began a meeting yesterday in the new building dedicated yesterday, of what was formally the Kendall Street Church, but is now to be designated as the Primitive Christian Church, and is located at 1221 North Long Avenue, Chicago. S. V. McCasland.
The Kingdom of God, now 88-page book by R. H. Boll, 50c, The Book of Revelation, 80 pages, 50c; The Second Coming, 25c; or $ the set of all three. Word and Work and Living Message, both for $2.25. Any good book, paper, or magazine may be ordered through this office.
From Chicago. The books were received O.K. (100 Great Songs of the Church.) This book is just what these people need, in preference to all other song books. Many thanks. L. J. Ruff.
R. A. Zahn’s address is now Itasca, Texas.
Our supply of Bound Volumes for 1924 is sold out.
Fourteen have been added at Parksville, KY—through the labors of O. S. Boyer, during and since the recent meeting.
Go back and read that wonderful December article—if you haven’t: A Picture of Human Religion.
We received, too late for last issue, a report from M. D. Baumer, of 2 additions to the Lexington Church. Brother Baumer desire to hold a few short meetings this winter and spring. Address him Winchester, Ky.
Reviewing our booklet, The Book of Revelation, Sunday School times of Nov. 15, has this to say: “The author undertakes to put the reader on track of understanding the book as a whole, and in this he is very successful. His book is remarkable for its freedom from dogmatic assertion and forced interpretations and is sone and sensible throughout. But it leaves many questions unanswered and difficulties unsolved. The spiritual tone is high, the teaching is centered about the person and work of the Lord Jesus, and not events, and he is shown as the center of the Revelation. This is certainly as it should be. In this small paper-bound book of a dozen chapters, the reader will find the larger outline of the Apocalypse treated and will have the way opened to a more detailed study of its several parts. (The Word and Work, Louisville, Ky., 50 cents)
From Tom Bean, Texas: The Lord’s business is moving along at Tom Bean very well. We have three mid-week classes with a topic for the prayer meeting program. We are working on our new church building—a very convenient and substantial meeting house, with classroom department when completed. J. F. Smith.
Please write saying, Stop my paper. But if you think the helpful Words in Season, the news and notes from the men you like to keep up with, the editorial and contributed articles along timely lines, the valuable reprints from the ableist writers of the day and other days, the missionary news and letter, and the able treatment of the Uniform lessons,–If you think 12 issues of such matter, making a large book (400 pages) would be worth the price of 10 cigars, or the price of a chocolate sundae for four, or the cost of a gallery ticket to a show—then renew! A dollar bill does the work.
From Toronto: We are pleased to report that the work at East Toronto is progressing, slowly but surely. Recently a young man and his wife put on the Lord Jesus Christ in the institution of baptism. Our Sunday school is now nearing one hundred mark in steady attendance; and the attendance on the Lord’s Days, both morning and evening, is increasing. Bro. Chas. Petch is still laboring with us. A. E. Firth.
From Linton, Ind.: Brother Chambers was with the church here over a recent Sunday. Splendid sermons, and good meeting for 4 to 8 below zero. The Linton Church closed the old year and entered the new on her knees before her Lord and God. S. L. Pope.
From Andrew Perry, Watseka, Ill.: The past year has surely been a year of hard labor, both temporally and spiritually, and I feel thankful to God for strength and will to labor for the Master in both lines.
In a meeting a few months ago at the East Indianapolis church, located at 4105 E. Washington, I found some very earnest and noble Christians. These brethren need a house of worship and are deserving of any financial support which may be given them. Wallace Cauble.
From New Orleans: We are entering into the hew year with brighter hopes and better prospects. Has a stirring prayer meeting last night, the best attendance of any mid-week meeting since I took up the work with the church. -Willis H. Allen
R. K. Francis, of Manchester, England, one of the ablest and most honored of the brethren in the old country,” has contributed an article, at our request, on “The Practibility of Christian Unity,” which is scheduled for our February issue. Other articles from across the sea, and many other things “right off the top shelf,” are in store for our reader this year. 1925 founds out the decade for Word and Work under present management, and we shall pray and labor to make it the best so far.
From Glenmora, La,: I had the pleasure of baptizing 53 persons during 1924. A number of other baptized believers were converted from error. My work for the new year will be more largely devoted to Glenmora and immediate vicinity. The foreign missionary has the advantage of building on virgin soil unhindered by the peculiarities and personal opinions of others. If I were in my twenties the foreign field would have a strong pull on my heart. A. Ramsey.
The meeting conducted by the Church of Christ at Gorman, Texas, with their home forces, closed with the house seated to its capacity. We had good attendance, and good interest throughout the week’s meeting. While we had no additions, yet we succeeded in getting before the town the New Testament Church and what it stands for. The church was strengthened and edified. Our contribution yesterday, which was the last day of the meeting, was between Ninety-five and one hundred dollars. By the help of God, we are planning greater things for the coming year.
- C. Williams
From Chattanooga, (received to late for the December news): Central church this city closed an interesting and profitable meeting in which brother Geo. A. Klingman did the preaching. The preaching was well done, and we appreciated having brother Klingman with us in this evangelistic effort. About fifteen from all sources were added to the Lord or renewed their fellowship. Brother Klingman knows how to preach the gospel of the grace of God. Since the meeting closed there have been six baptized and some to put in their membership. We average abound 200 in Sunday Bible classed now. Pray for the work here. The Lord bless you most excellent paper.
E. H. Hoover I know your book (Great Songs of the Church) and until someone surpasses it; I shall continue to say it is the best.
L. O. Sanderson, Director Vocal Music, Harding College
Music and poetry have ever been acknowledged sisters, which, walking hand in hand, support each other, Both of these excel apart, buy they are most excellent when joined together. Purcell.
All who are eager to get the Word and Work lesson helps in good time each month should send a quarter for our Quarterly for the year.
Berry Boulevard meeting, Louisville, J. R. Clark, preaching, added 6 by membership, and three were restored.
Harding College wires for another hundred copies, Great Songs of the Church.
From Shreveport: I am just out of the sanitorium after a stay of two weeks, having has a serious operation for appendicitis. My condition continues to improve, and I hope soon to be back at my work. The church here continues to go forward.W. Phillips, Jr.
Too late for correction I noticed a misstatement on page 50, of the new Kingdom book, where, in reference to the expression “the Kingdom of God is within you,” (margin, “among you”) it is said, “See John 1:26 where in the Greek the same expression is used.” It is in the English of the King James Version that the same expression is used, but not in the Greek. The Greek in Luke 17:21 is “entos humon.” But n John 1:26 it is “mesos Humon.” Will the readers kindly strike out the whole parenthesis found in the 10th and 11th line from the bottom, page 60 of the Kingdom book.”R.H.B.