O. W. Scott does not use the hook and line. He catches men with a net. Six or eight in a single haul at Salem, Ind., a few weeks ago.

John Sherriff, of Africa, has visited over a hundred Canadian and American churches, with receipts totaling $3,173.61.

Wallace Cauble, with his brother Murray as helper, has been in a five- weeks’ stretch of meetings at Mt. Eden, Ash’s Creek, and other points in Kentucky.

“The infant son whose coming on July 14 brought so much joy to our brother and sister Allen, died on the 15th. We rejoiced with them in their little hour of happiness, and we share with them their hour of sorrow. ‘Jehovah gave and Jehovah hath taken away; blessed be the name of Jehovah!’”—E. A. Coon, New Orleans.


Any good book or magazine may be secured through the Word and Work. We shall greatly appreciate it if our friends will turn all such business this way. It will cost them not a cent more, if as much, and it will help the Word and Work. Why not ?

J. E. Thornberry has been in good meetings at Coal City and Clay City, Indiana. 

Frank Grammar, of Mena, Ark., reports a good meeting at Johnson, Ark., in which he was associated with M. S. Gabbard. There were 21 baptisms. Bi-other Grammar is now in a singing class at Rocky Branch, Tex.

From Thos. Heiskell, Howesville, W. Va.: “The books are fine, could not be any better.” (He means the alphabetical song book, “Great Songs of The Church,” of course).

Many have written most favorably of E. Gaston Collins’ 10c booklet, “Unequal Yoking.” We handle it.

From Sellersburg, Ind.: “Our work here is doing well. Two or three additions since last report. Attendance is good in spite of hot weather, and the community church just opened not far away.”—J. Scott Greer.

“I thank God for the Word and Work. It has been a wonderful help to me.”—W. H. Crain.

From Η. N. Rutherford: “I was recently engaged in a meeting at Alachua, Fla. There were no additions, but I feel that our work of faith was a blessing to all and especially to the preacher, as the burden of the church and town were laid upon his heart, and I was found much in prayer. Join me in praying that the seed of the Kingdom may grow and increase in fruitfulness.”

John E .Dunn has been in “a glorious meeting,” with J. F. Smith, at Tom Bean, Texas. Brother Smith is now at Howell, Indiana.

From Savannah, Ga.: “I am here visiting relatives. Brother Goodpasture, of Atlanta, is here in a meeting.”—G. B. Dasher.

We have on hand one new copy of “The Reference Passage Bible” (New Testament volume), compiled by I. N. Johns. This book sells for about $9, but will go for $5. It gives the gospels in parallel columns, in chronological order, giving time and place; and the rest of the New Testament is in consecutive order, with maps and indexes.


We learn from the Bulletin of the New Orleans church that H. L. Olm- stead preached in that city enroute to his meeting at Wharton, Tex. Ivy Istre also addressed the New Orleans brethren as he went back to the French mission field. That good man of New Orleans, brother O. C. Nicks, has been with W. J. Johnson in a meeting near Independence.

From W. N. Short, Africa: “Good crowds out to every service, and interest good. Pray for the work that we have a great reaping for the Lord. Our hearts rejoice to know of the glorious time the Sheriffs are having among the churches. Love to all the loved ones in the home land.”

We owe a word of explanation to those who have ordered R. H. Boll’s latest book, “The Kingdom of God,” in regard to the unexpected delay in delivery. It was our intention to put it on the press some time ago. But after Brother Boil’s Second Coming sermons (see page 234) drew out a score or more of questions in regard to “The Kingdom” he decided to enlarge the book, and incorporate his answers in an appendix. Brother Boll is now at work upon this additional matter, and we think the .350 copies which have been sold to date can be mailed out before long. The book will be all the better for the delay.


“I want to preach every day in the year if I can; and if not called to preach for churches that can and will support me, I expect to work and support myself and preach anyway. As the churches did not choose to use me in India, will they choose to use me here.


“This is the fifth week of the mission meeting here, with seven baptized to date.”—J. Madison Wright, Cleveland.

Louisville News: Elsewhere appears a report of the wonderful meeting with Peak and Main church, Dallas. From this meeting brother Boll went to Portland, Maine, preaching in Louisville twice between.

D. H. Friend’s meeting at Ripley, Tenn., and E. L. Jorgenson’s meeting at Henning, were both graciously blessed of the Lord. Brother Friend is now at Waterford, Ky., with A. 0. Reader who preaches regularly there. There have been 23 additions all told. Brother Jorgenson is with Η. H. Adamson in a meeting at Borden, Ind. Stanford Chambers and J. Scott Greer are at Ebenezer, near Harrodsburg.

“Kindly mail at once the song ‘Kentucky,’ by Lillian B. Askenstedt. This is the song that has been adopted by the Kentucky Business and Professional Women’s Clubs. The Paducah club desires to learn it before the National Convention.”—Miss Lima Cummings.

We have received the following notice: “On Thursday, August 7, 1924, there is to be a reunion on the campus of David Lipscomb College, formerly Nashville Bible School. All old students and friends of the College are invited, but especially those who attended during the matronage of Sister William Anderson and Miss Effie Anderson. Basket lunch will be served between one and two o’clock.”