“Work on the new church building for Central Church, Chattanooga, is progressing splendidly. We hope to have house complete within two months. The brick work is finished and the roof is on. · I am having a class in the Bible every night this week with the young people of the Church.”-E. H. Hoover.

“The article, ‘Dawn Doctrine,’ in June Word and Work, appeals to me. I enclose check for $1 toward putting it into a tract. So many are being led astray by Russellism that I wish we had some good plain writings to hand out. It is such a long route to go into the homes and discuss the question

with those that need it. I have for some time thought of writing you asking for the best literature on the subject.”-0. S. Boyer, Bedford, Ia.

Who else will help to put this remarkable Expose into a tract? Also, the recent series, “Real New Testament Missionary Work”?

From L. E. Carpenter: . “I just closed a good meeting at Southside, Beaumont, Texas, with more than 20 restored and all the old troubles settled. Many almost shouted for joy as these old troubles that had hindered for years were removed. Four took membership, among them a teacher and fine worker.”

Quantity purchasers of our alphabetical hymnal since last report: Dugger, Ind., Pennsville, 0., Rosston, Okla., Roachdale, Ind., (Baptist), Marysville, 0., Howesville, W. Va., Eubank, Ky., Ash’s Creek, Ky., East Toronto, Can, Calgary, Alberta (Central Christian).

“Two more added . to the Lord’s House since I wrote you.”-A. E. Firth, East Toronto.

From Linton, Ind., “Stanford Chambers held a fifteen days’ meeting here, with 17 added from all sources, 9 of them by primary obedience. The messages were fresh and wholesome, and the church was greatly edified.” -Frank L. Wheeler.

Brother Chamber’s report: “I had an enjoyable and· fruitful season with the saints at Linton. Nine repentant· believers were baptized and a number were restored from denominationalism. F. L. Wheeler who ministers there is a true yokefellow . and is strong in personal work. The Linton church has a future if it gives itself untiringly to teaching the young in its filed. This, some faithful souls there are endeavoring to do.”

“I am helping Brother· Bonner in a protracted meeting in W. Cleveland, Ohio.”-J. Madison Wright.

From Edward Kranz, Cynthiana, Ky.: “I was with the church at Eubank the fourth Lord’s Day in May. Had three good meetings. One, whose wife I baptized three months ago, made the good confession. Now both seem happy in the Lord.”

“Brother Jorgenson: “I have never· said a word to you about your song book, ‘Great Songs of the Church.’ This, however was not because I do not appreciate the book, and the great service you have rendered on behalf of rich, spiritual and soul-stirring music. But now I want to say I think you have rendered the disciples an inestimable spiritual service by giving them the ‘Great Songs of The Church.’ For an all-around song book, suited to all occasions for work, worship and service in song-sweet, soul-stirring, deeply spiritual and scriptural in the praise service of God-I consider it in a class by itself, the .best song book we have.”-John E. Dunn.

From Abilene, Texas: “Please give notice of our August meeting here. We are using tent of 3,000 capacity; $500 for publicity alone. This is to be a West Texas meeting with the three congregations of the city ,co-operating to really evangelize Abilene and vicinity. Invitations are extended to all who can attend and accommodations will be arranged for all visitors.

D. Campbell preaching, Jack Meyers song leader. Broadcasting sermons if static will permit. We are attempting to duplicate the Nashville meeting according to our scale.”-F. B. Shepherd.

From Dallas: “Interest at Peak and Main Street is very encouraging. Having the best attendance in the history of the church. The past two Sunday! there were two baptisms, two restorations, and three to place membership with us.”-J. E. Blansett.

The Living Message, that excellent Weekly, formerly of Harper, Kansas, has moved to Morrilton, Ark.

A good letter from Alex Stewart, Toronto, bears more good news almost than we have room to print: “We are greatly encouraged at Bathurst St., through the labors of Brother Klingman-You have had the good report from · Fern Ave., and Wychwood church has had the best year in her history- 21 added, 12 of them by baptism; and now Brother McKerlie, a fine, scotch evangelist is located with them. East Toronto is going right ahead and getting ready for big things.-! am still going to Pekin, N. Y.,-my fourth year-and also to Pine Orchard. At Niagara Falls, N. Y., the brethren are meeting every Lord’s Day, I go there afternoons on my day at Pekin.”

Louisville News: Brother Boll is in a meeting at Peak and Main St., Dallas, going there from a mission effort at Natchitoches, La., a Normal School town.

Stanford Chambers began at Tell City, Ind., June 19; E. L. Jorgenson at Henning ,Tenn., June 24. D. H. Friend is back from a good meeting at Ripley, Tenn.

Maurice Clymore is preaching in an unusually good tent meeting at Craig Ave., mission, with many turning to the Lord. J. R. Clark’s meeting with “Baird St. Mission” (now on Portland Ave.,) brought a number of accessions also. J, E. Thornberry preached at Portland Ave., June 1. His lessons were even better than usual.

A large union meeting, addressed by John E.· Dunn, was held at Portland Ave., church June 25, in the interest of “Christian Education.” Brother Dunn’s work in the Louisville District has done good and only good.