From Chattanooga: “Work of Central Church this city seems to move on very well. We are laying the foundation for our new church building. The erection of this house is a big undertaking for us, but we have faith in God and confidence in this congregation to the extent we believe He will give us ability to accomplish what we have begun in His name and to His glory.”—E. H. Hoover.
From Davis City, Iowa: “The work here is going along in fair shape. We all keep busy.”—Wm. J. Campbell.
From East Toronto Church: “Work on our new meeting house on Strathmore Blvd., has commenced. Our school is now being held in one of the Public Schools in this district, and is being well attended and increasing. We are pleased to report five who have given themselves to the Lord, this making seven in all, composing one entire family of which there were no infants. We expect others will follow shortly. We expect to have with us Brother R. G. Schell for June and July, for the opening of our new meeting house. Owing to a change made by the city, it has been necessary for us to buy more land, also a change in our building which necessitates extra cost. If any of the brethren would like to have a hand in this great work by sending us a gift, it will be cheerfully received. Address all communications to the writer at 53 Strathcona Ave., Toronto.”—A. E. Firth.
From Hillsboro, Texas “Meeting here closed with 22 added, 20 by primary obedience, 2 by relation. Also, the church sent a contribution for the Dallas Hebrew Mission. J. E. Blansett, of Dallas, did the preaching and did it well.”—R. A. Zahn.
“Here is $5 to help publish Janes’ article in last Word and Work in tract form. Best I have ever read on this, the most timely subject before the Church today.”—John Von Allmen.
Who sends the needed $15 additional? The tract will contain the material in the April and May issues of this paper, and some fresh matter besides. Let us know now if you want to help.
From Linton, Indiana: “Brother Boll preached here Sunday afternoon, April 6th, to a full house. It was an inspiring service.”—Frank L. Wheeler.
“A three days’ discussion on the subject of baptism was held at Combs, Arkansas, between M. S. Gabbard of the Church of Christ, and J. W. Burrows, of Μ. E. Church. Brother Gabbard agreed at the beginning of the debate to surrender the proposition if Mr. Burrows would prove by the word of God that God at any time, for any purpose, authorized unmixed water sprinkled on any person.
“Mr. Burrows sought very diligently for the scripture to sustain his position, but alas in vain. Brother Gabbard finally offered a reward for the Scripture. But the debate closed and no one received the reward.”—Frank Grammer.
Our list of second-hand books, advertised last month, is completely sold out.
“It was my privilege to hear the last five discourses of H. L. Olmstead’s meeting at Horse Cave, where I was called to assist when Claude Woodruff, who had so efficiently conducted the song service, became ill. Very large crowds came, and what they heard, of the great, deep need of fallen man, and of the provision and power of God to meet that need, was most impressive and stirring. The work at Horse Cave seems to be growing in every particular.”—E. L. Jorgenson.
The editor of this magazine is now in a good meeting with Chas. Neal and the church at Dugger, Ind. Seven had been baptized and three restored at last report.
One customer ordered 126 books of 90 different titles, in the same mail. Let us have your book orders. They help us “carry on.”
Brother Janes’ careful treatment of “Real New Testament Missionary Work,” the closing installment of which appears this month is reprinted with slight additions from “Sermons and Sayings,” 242 pages, cloth, obtainable at $1.00 a copy from the veteran preacher, Alfred Ellmore, Covington, Indiana.
We are offering Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen, No. 52, medium point, “self-filling”, chased barrel, cannot spill—standard pen for years, free for seven new subscriptions at $1 each. Obtainable in men’s or women’s size.
“The Book of Revelation”—expository studies in the last book of the Bible by the editor of the Word and Work. Eighty pages, clear type, heavy paper in a handsome cover of blue. 50 cents each, three for $1.
“The meeting at Glenmora continued for fifteen days, resulting in 22 added to the congregation from all sources. The meeting was very interesting throughout, and was well attended. Brother Ramsey is a fine yokefellow, and I enjoyed my association with him in this meeting to the fullest. His efforts in the meetings contributed very largely to the success of the meeting. During my absence from New Orleans the home work was carried on by Brethren Woodruff, Nicks, and Coon.”—Willis H. Allen.
“There has been some demand for a book on the Life of J. A. Harding, and it is desirable to collect a considerable amount of information about the man and his work as these were known by his friends. Please report any events in his meetings, debates, or other work which may be of interest and send as full a list of his old students as you can recall. Address, Woodson Harding Armstrong, Dept. B., Harper College, Harper, Kansas.”