“On March 2 we had the largest morning audience since coming to Toronto. Among the visitors at night there was a Chinaman who is the pupil of our brother Warren. On March 3 I spoke at a Jewish mission. ‘Brethren, pray for us’”. —G. A. Klingman.
We note from the Living Message that R. C. Bell, of Harper, Kansas, has undertaken to forward funds for brother Stephen Eckstein, and the Dallas Jewish mission work. We are glad to pass the word along to our readers, in case any of them should wish to contribute.
With the help of the indefatigable Janes, brother Bowser and the brethren of the Burnett Ave. church have succeeded in starting another colored congregation in Louisville—Fourteenth and Jefferson.
Quantity purchasers of the new alphabetical hymnbook, since last re port: Matthewson Ave. church, Wichita; Pocatello, Ida.; Woodbourne, N. Y.; Denison, Texas; Salem, Indiana; New Orleans; Los Angeles Bible Institute; Ferndale church, Detroit; Atlas, Ind.; Linton, Ind.
From Detroit: “Work here doing the finest kind. Also had a good trip to Florida.”—Claude Witty.
From New Orleans: “The work here doing well. Three have taken membership since last report.”—Willis H. Allen.
From Hillsboro, Texas: “Work here is moving along nicely. Have had four additions lately. We are to begin a meeting the fourth Sunday in March with J. E. Blansett, of Dallas preaching.”—R. A. Zahn.
“There is an increase in Bible School, Young People’s Meeting and general attendance at Horse Cave. Two baptisms last week.”—H. L. Olmstead.
From Winchester, Ky.: “We have had three additions out in this mission field since New Years. In spite of opposition, we are growing slowly. If any of the readers know of members in this section write me.”—M. D. Baumer.
We are offering Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen, No. 52, medium point, “self-filling”, chased barrel, cannot spill—standard pen for years, free for seven new subscriptions at $1 each. Obtainable in men’s or women’s size.
“The church at Eubank, Ky. has a new church house under construction. We are meeting in the high school auditorium at the present. Hope to have the building completed shortly. I have monthly appointments with them this year. Church doing good work; contributing regularly to missions; two were baptized since taking up the work there. Pray for us.”— Edward E. Kranz.
From Minneapolis: “Among the workers in the church here new interest is being manifested. In spite of cold weather, the attendance is more regular, about 25 being present the last three Lord’s days. The midweek Bible class for sisters has grown in numbers from three to ten. They are studying the Book of Matthew.
“We are anxious to learn about any brethren who may have moved to the city of Minneapolis and have not found our place of meeting at 89 South Tenth St., upstairs, Room 8. Address me at 1200 DuPont Avenue, N.”—Ray Lawyer.
Don’t let the title of Brother Janes’ great article (page 110) frighten you! It is one of the best things we have ever printed. It must go into tract form to be circulated far and wide. Who sends $20 or any part of that amount to put; it into a tract at once?
Andrew Perry, of Watseka, Illinois, is now in evangelistic work. He reports visits to Sullivan, Indiana, Dongola, Illinois, and a meeting at Gate- wood, Indiana, where there is a small congregation, and adds, “I am going to devote some two or three months to the work of trying to revive and strengthen the work in that section. Remember us in your prayers, and if in fellowship, send to me at Watseka, Illinois, and the amount will be faithfully applied.”
From Sellersburg, Ind.: “Our work is moving on well. The work of building four new classrooms is well under way. The Bible classes for young people—one in Genesis and one in John—each week—are well at tended.”—J. Scott Greer.
Does the W. W. sometimes reach you too late for the first Lord’s Day lesson in the month? You can get that lesson in time always by subscribing for the Quarterly, 20 cents for the entire year.
For the first quarter of 1924, sales of “Great Songs of The Church” have more than doubled the same period of its first two years, ’22 and ’23. Why this growing demand?
Horse Cave church begins a meeting March 30, H. L. Olmstead preaching.
From Bedford, Ia.: “We are expecting George R. Johnson here next month, to help us in the proclamation of the word in singing. We hope to evangelize the communities nearby, by God’s help. There is much K. K. K. and other world-scheme agitation, but we are praying that we may be His instruments in saving lost souls. I do not see how I could appreciate papers more than I do the Word and Work and The Living Message. They get better all the time.”—O. S. Boyer.
I have a perfectly safe and harmless remedy that will stop all craving for tobacco in any form. Also good for the stomach, liver, kidneys, nerves and blood. It has cured hundreds of people of the tobacco habit when other remedies failed. Send for it and if it does not cure you, I will return every cent of your money. Price $1.00 a box; six boxes guaranteed to cure any case for $5.00 postpaid. Loomis O. Hinton, Spencer, Ind.
(The Word and Work has consented to run Brother Hinton’s advertisement after securing the names of a number of brethren as references—and because the tobacco habit is believed to produce more than physical effects. —Publisher.)