From Dallas: “The work at Peak and Main is progressing well, I baptized four young people at our mission at Reinhardt at a regular service lately. Our congregation supported six mission meetings in 1923.” – – J. E. Blansett.
Churches purchasing quantities of the new alphabetical hymnal. “Great Songs of The Church,” since our last report: Portland, Ore, Derby. Kan., Richmond, Va., Athens, Ohio, Paris, Tex., Natchitoches, La., Jake Prairie, Mo., Jacksonville, Fla., River Rouge, Mich., Bedford, Ia., Chicago, Ill., Falls City, Nebr., Yarmouth, N. S., Rose Hill, Kan., Edmonton, Ky… Aylesford, N. S., Portland. Me., Paterson, N. J., Wellington, Kan., Abilene, Texas.
From Greenville, S. C.: “I found the brethren here doing well. Their conduct during my recent absence is greatly encouraging.” —-G. F. Gibbs.
If you are one of those wishing to see our foreign mission undertakings enlarged, do not fail to send Brother Janes your name on a postal card—and see what happens.
Sorry we could not supply the full demand for last year’s Bound Volume! We do have a few 1919’s to sell. $1.50 each.
From Dugger, Ind.: “We are trying to get Dugger ready to support a man full time in missions next year. Brother Boll is to be with us is April. We anticipate an enjoyable and profitable time.”—Chas. M. Neal.
Large clubs received this year: Frank Wheeler, 50; E. H. Hoover, 54: Mrs. Holloway, 82; Jno. Abrams, 23; Mrs. Hughes, 26. Can’t you send “four or more?”
From Tom Bean, Texas: “Our work is making some advancement. We have three Bible lessons a week besides our regular Sunday classes. I preach nearly every Sunday afternoon at some point out of Tom Bean. Yesterday was our best day for attendance at all services since I came to this field.”—J. F. Smith.
“God’s blessing on the service and work of the W. and W. for 1924!”— Η. N. Rutherford.
“There is a good interest in all the meetings at Bathurst St., and we feel hopeful that this congregation may be led of God to do a great work.” —Such is the good word from Toronto. Bathurst St. Church has a great history—a greater future we hope.
Tell your friends about the McGarvey articles, and the “Lessons in the Proverbs” now running in this magazine. And be sure to get your young people started in the Proverbs lessons. We have never before published anything so suitable for them.
From Now Orleans: “Our work is moving along in good shape. Sickness and bad weather have hindered some of late, but the prospects are splendid for growth in all departments of the work this year. We expect to baptize a former Catholic Sunday. Others are interested. Please put us on your prayer list.”—Willis H. Allen.
Free for six new subscriptions at $1 each: Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen No. 52, medium point, “self-filling,” chased barrel, cannot spill—the standard pen for years. Obtainable in men’s or women’s size. The former has clip for pocket, the latter has a ring.
From Dasher, Ga.: “We had a splendid missionary rally during the Holidays. Two contributions are to be set aside each month—one for the foreign work and one for home mission work.”—J. Edward Boyd.
Chas. Neal may have a debate with Millennial Dawnists. Brother Neal knows the Scriptures that will be especially involved, and would doubtless be able, even through the difficulties of a religious discussion, to do good and only good.
From Portland, Me.: “In the year just closed we have been especially blessed in the Lord’s work in this part of His vineyard. Without any protracted effort, we have been blessed with seventeen new members to the Church in Portland. Sixteen of these by baptism and one by relation, from the Baptists. Five who were not meeting with the Church a year ago are now’ in fellowship with us. We hope to reclaim others who should be with us. “In Westbrook the writer baptized one in the past year, while in Unity, in a three-weeks’ protracted meeting, two were added to the Lord. For all of which I ‘thank Him that enabled me, even Jesus Christ,’ and take courage.”—R. G. Schell.
“‘Lessons on Hebrews’ is the greatest and most scholarly treatment on that portion [of scriptures which I know of. I delight to refer to it for it is wonderful in the way of edification and instruction. It should be one of the valued volumes of every Christian home. My only regret is that I did not have it in my possession sooner. I am much indebted to it for my knowledge of this Letter”— Stephen D. Eckstein.
Lessons on Hebrews, by R. H. Boll, S1.00.
The Jewish Mission work which has been carried on by Missionary Stephen D. Eckstein under the auspices of the Garret Ave. Church of Christ, has, under God’s guidance since January 1, 1924, been transferred to Peak and Main Sts. Church of Christ, Dallas, Tex. Any one desiring information concerning the work may write to Minister J. E. Blansett, 4302 Trellace Court, acting treasurer George A. Hardison, 710 North Hill St., or Stephen D. Eckstein, 4302 McKinney Ave., Dallas, Texas. Pray for our guidance and that the Lord may continue to keep us and to shield the work in these perilous days.
Abilene, Dasher, Harper, Morrilton, and Nashville have all purchased “Great Songs of The Church.”
Have you sent in your order for the booklet, “The Book of Revelation,” by R. H. Boll? A neat pamphlet, egg-shell paper; heavy, colored paper cover. Fifty cents a copy. If you want them in quantities, three for a dollar. For prices on large quantities, write to Word and Work. We have nearly 2000 copies of the tract “Why Not be Just a Christian?” in the German translation; the entire lot had for $5—one-sixth the regular price. We have also 500 tracts, “Church Amusements,” 1/2c each; 1000 copies “Scriptural Ways to Go and Preach,” by J. M. McCaleb, free for the sake of missions. “Why Not be Just a Christian,” and “The Church I Found and How I Found It,” are great tracts. 5c, 50 for $1.00, $15 the thousand. Use these silent preachers.
From Andrew Perry, Watseka, Ill.: “For some three weeks and over I have been among the churches. My first stop was at Bismarck, Ill. I found this congregation in very good condition and trusting to do a good work in 1924. “Then I put in a few days among the members listening to a Monday night sermon by a young Texas brother, now laboring in Chicago; also preaching on Thursday night before New Year’s. Then on Saturday I came to New Goshen, Ind., where I preached on Sunday and at night also. I put in several days among the members around there and at Libertyville, where I preached on January 2. Bro. David Mathis had just closed a good meeting with 29 baptisms, 7 by membership, and 3 restored. Then I have been at Carr, Ind., Shiloh, Berea, Ellis and Dugger since that time. “I planned a few days’ stay at Lyons, but a letter just received tells me of death and sickness at that point.”
We clip this from “Our Family Visitor,” a monthly circular sent out by the Central Congregation in Chattanooga, where Brother Hoover is, and has labored for a number of years: “The year 1923 is now numbered with the past, and it seems good to look back for a moment to count our blessings during that time, and to lament our neglected opportunities; also to thank our heavenly Father for the many unmerited favors He has bestowed upon us. Therefore, let us resolve for 1924 as ‘servants’ of our Lord, we will be more faithful, and as His ‘beloved children’ we will love Him, His Work and His Worship more than ever before. “Our Sunday Bible School and Church Services are growing in interest, in offerings and in attendance. The prayer meeting is more largely attended, and more men are taking a part than at any time since the church began. We relate this not to cause us to be satisfied, but to give us courage in striving for greater development along spiritual lines.”