With the New Year being so close, I’m sure some are thinking of resolutions for 2024. We’ve all made a number of resolutions through the years and we have likely failed in a few as well as succeeding in others. Someone has said that “resolutions are made to be broken.” If that’s the case, a New Year’s resolution ought to be the easiest thing in the world because it doesn’t really matter. It’s hard to fail at something that doesn’t really matter. Like Cheshire Cat said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”

Resolutions are generally made as a means of self-improvement. We want to be better, do more, accomplish a task that’s been beyond our reach in the past, try something new, re-invent ourselves or perhaps look beyond ourselves and be of greater service to others. All of these are worthy resolutions and succeeding in any of them will bring tremendous satisfaction.

But, our resolutions will reflect the priorities we have in life. Our priorities are the things that drive us and make us what we are. If our priorities are wrong or offcenter, the same will be true of our resolutions. Instead of making ourselves better, we may find ourselves worse off than before! Therefore, all of us must look at our priorities before we do anything else and make sure they are in the right place and in the right order.

It goes without saying that God should be the priority of life. Jeremiah reminds us, “I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.” (Jer. 10:23) Only God can lead us in the way we should go and He will never fail us. David wrote, “The Lord is my shepherd;…He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” (Ps. 23:1,2) We may not find our way very easily, but God will lead us in the right way!

I know, also, that God cares for us with His perfect love. “…casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” (1 Pet. 5:7) This tells me that whatever 2024 brings, God will be there to help us through it! But, I must make Him the priority before I can count on His help.

Do this: Make God your priority for 2024. Ask for wisdom to do whatever is necessary to make yourself a better you and let God lead the way!


Gary Knuckles is a Retired Church of Christ Minister.