In this issue appears the first of a series of articles (taken from Christian Standard, 1903) by J. W. McGarvey, on the Jews. McGarvey’s high standing for scholarship, devout faith, clear insight, calm and balanced judgment, makes his utterances especially worthy of thoughtful consideration.

                   From Sellersburg, Ind.: “There have been a number of additions since I’ve began work here Sept. 1. The general attendance is good, and we have a young people’s Bible Class of about forty on Friday evenings.”—J. Scott Greer.

     “Great interest” is the word from the two-week’s Bible Reading, conducted by Stanford Chambers at New Pekin, Ind. Three hundred or more have been in attendance, 150 coming through the rain.

         “Work here is moving on well.”—R. A. Zahn, Hillsboro, Texas.

         All 1923 Bound Volumes of Word and Work are sold. Others desiring the book must send in their year’s papers at once.

         “We have our little church house completed and are living in peace and quietude. The congregation numbers seventy. I am 87 years old and do not expect to live much longer. Have been in the church 60 years I want to enjoy your Magazine while I live.”—J. W. Fenner, Arlington, Tex.

         From Stanford Chambers: “Brother Allen seems to fit in at New Orleans excellently. Many have written that they like him, and I think he likes the work. I am greatly rejoiced about the reports that I am receiving from New Orleans.”

         From J. E. Sturgis, Music editor of the Christian Standard, concerning “Great Songs of The Church”: “We are very much impressed with the book and think you have a very unique collection of songs.”

With this issue we begin Brother Boll’s series, “Lessons in The Proverbs.” Be sure to draw the attention of the young people in your home and church to these articles. The young people are the next church!

         From Chattanooga comes a club of 47 names—larger than last year. From Dugger a club of 22, sent by that good man, active though aging, John Abrams. Many others are sending clubs. Why not share the McGarvey articles, The Proverbs articles, the Janes “Travel Incident” (first one in this issue), besides the regular material of the Word and Work, with at least three friends when you send in your own renewal.”

J. Madison Wright reports a meeting at Randle, Wash., and adds: “Please say in Word and Work that if any church or isolated group of Chris­ tians on the Pacific Coast want me for a meeting or Bible Reading this winter, write me soon at Randle.”

         We thank all who helped to make our holiday book sales nearly twice as high as they have ever been before. Should there be any complaints, shortage, or dissatisfaction, let us know.

         From L. K. Harding, date of Dec. 3: “I appreciate the book more and more. I am sure it has only started to sell. It is sure to wear well and should become more and more popular.” “Great Songs of The Church,” 60c in quantities, 75c each postpaid.

         Highland church, Louisville, has again passed all previous financial records, contributing through the treasury more than $6,000 for 1923. At­ tendance also is probably at its best. Pray for Brother Friend’s great ministry there.

         To all who offer manuscript to the Word and Work: (1) We do not use the shortened spelling. (2) We cannot often use carbon copies of manuscript. On account of limited space, we must have fresh copy, written for this paper. (3) News received just a little too late for any issue becomes old, sometimes “stale,” by the next. If your news note fails to appear in the next issue after mailing it, send us a fresh report by the 20th of the month.

         Subscribers who are delinquent as far back as six months will receive this copy of the paper. We hoped that “Proverbs,” “McGarvey,” etc., would draw that dollar from your pocket—for your sake, and ours. Let’s cooperate! What’s on your reading table in the religious line? Renew now!

         “I got more than I gave on my western trip. The meetings at Harper were exceedingly helpful; and the week’s meeting at Basil brought six baptisms. The church there made an offering for the Japan Mission Homes Fund, and a number of friends have sent offerings, to help in the part which 1 have undertaken to raise.”—E. L. Jorgenson.

         From Port Arthur, Tex.: “Work here continues with fine interest. Yesterday, though bad weather, was a fine day for us: Two took membership, one restored, one for baptism. More than one hundred have been added to the local forces from all sources this year. We hope for greater things in 1924.”—L. E. Carpenter.

         “The seventy-sixth session of Burritt College, Spencer, Tenn., closed Dee. 16. The fall enrollment reached 205, the largest fall enrollment in the history of the school. Spring term opens Jan. 15. Goal for spring term, 300. Several preaching boys are in the school.”—Jas. E. Chessor.

         “I have a harmless remedy for the tobacco habit that will stop all craving for tobacco in any form. It has cured hundreds of people of the tobacco habit when other remedies failed. Also good for the stomach, liver, kidneys, and blood. Easy and pleasant to take. Send for it and if it doesn’t cure you of the tobacco habit, I will return your money. Price $1.00 a box post­ paid.”—Loomis O. Hinton, Spencer, Ind. (Adv.)

         Winchester, Ky., Dec. 22, 1923: “Plans are about completed for work in this mission field. A fairly complete survey has been made and work will begin (D.V.) January 1. We should enter five adjoining counties, but with only one worker this is impossible. Three county seats will be assisted at the first; this means one-fourth time work in each of these places. Two of these places have small bands of faithful brethren keeping house for the Lord. The other town has one family—two families in a neighboring village. Our plan is to preach every Lord’s Day, and on other days when possible and convenient, distribute pure literature, and visit scattered members with the intent to set churches in order at some future date., Brethren having friends in Payette, Jessamine, Garrard, Woodford, or Madison counties Kentucky, please let me know their address. We will also need financial help that we need not put in too much time ‘making tents.’ “Friends desiring more information of the field or of our needs, address me as above.”—M. D. Baumer.

         “Brother Prather spoke in French a few nights at Pine Prairie, La., the last week in November. Rain hindered, yet some good was accomplished. Another visit will, from present indications, reach at least one family. I was called to Maxie, Saturday to conduct funeral of Bro. W. A. McClelland who had reached the age of 72 years, spent largely in the service of Christ. On the way home stopped at Turkey Creek and preached three times, baptizing one person before leaving for home.”—A. K. Ramsey.

         Have you sent in your order for the booklet “The Book of Revelation,” by R. H. Boll, which contains all the 1923 series of articles on Revelation, revised and corrected. A neat pamphlet, egg-shell paper; heavy, colored paper cover. Fifty cents a copy. If you want them in quantities, three for a dollar. For prices on large quantities, write to Word and Work.

         We have nearly 2000 copies of the tract “Why Not be Just a Christian?” in the German translation; the entire lot had for $5—one-sixth the regular price. We have 500 tracts, “Church Amusements,” 2c each; 1000 copies “Scriptural Ways to Go and Preach,” by J. M. McCaleb, free for the sake of missions. Both inside cover pages are important this month! “Why Not be Just a Christian,” and “The Church I Found and How I Found It,” are great tracts. 5c, 50 for $1.00, $15 the thousand. Use these silent preachers.

         “Great Songs of The Church” has been ordered from practically every state and province in the U. S. and Canada, and from ten foreign countries —every continent except South America.

         The great classic work of refutation of Seventh Day Adventism is a book entitled “Seventh Day Adventism Renounced,” by D. M. Canwright, who had for twenty-eight years been one of their preachers, and who finally with regret and aversion turned away from them. No man should consider the acceptance of Seventh Day Adventism until he has weighed the arguments and reasons set forth by this good man. The book is obtainable through Word and Work.

         A number of churches have paid for “Great Songs of The Church,” (60c each in quantities) by asking each member who can to buy at least one book, the book to belong to the purchaser, containing his name, but to be left at the church.


Compiled by Larry Miles, who is a Co-Editor of Word & Work and attends Cherry St. Church of Christ in New Albany, IN.