Over a thousand subscriptions expire this month: In renewing, make it four names for $3.
From Trenton, Fla.: “16 baptisms here. I go to South Florida next.” – L. K. Harding.
To make sure of the 1923 Bound Volume of Word and Work, order at once-$1.50.
From Jacksonville: “We had 3 additions last Sunday and fine crowds. The church has purchased a most desirable lot, and we plan to change our location soon as possible. We sent $50 to Bro. McCaleb last month and hope to be regular contributors. “I had a good meeting in some respects at Largo. Baptized only one, but crowds were fine.”-H. N. Rutherford.
Be sure to see the announcement elsewhere of R. H. Boll’s Commentary on The Revelation. Now ready, 50c; 3 for $1.
“Please publish our change of address from Childress to 413 Second St., Hillsboro, Texas.”- R. A. Zahn.
Sunday School Times subscriptions for 1924 will cost $1.75 in our club. Regular price is $2. Send subscriptions by Dec. 10.
- C. Bailey has located to labor at Buffalo, Mont.
Send for our new 24-page catalog of Books, Tracts, and church supplies.
“Word comes from Forest Hill Mission, Tenn., that ground has been given for a house of worship, and five acres also for a preacher’s home. The brethren are going to build.”-Mrs. L. B. Holloway.
“I have undertaken to raise a certain amount for · the greatly needed American style homes for our missionaries in Japan-particularly the Fox families. Friends and churches may wish to send gifts, large or small; and I shall be very grateful.”-E. L. Jorgenson.
Attendance at the five-day Missionary meetings just held at Highland Church, Louisville, taxed the capacity of the house. Brother Janes gave instructive and stirring lantern lectures each night, and a dozen other Louisville preachers took part. The walls and classrooms were used for interesting exhibits of hundreds of oriental articles connected with missionary life. Generous offerings and pledges were made toward the fund to build homes for missionaries .in Japan. Why not plan such a “Missionary Institute” in your congregation?
Of all art calendars we like The Scripture Text Calendar best. Inspirational scripture each day, golden text on Saturdays, art pictures, size 9×16 inches. 30c each, 12 for $3. A suitable gift. “Great Songs of The Church,” now in its-third edition, already a standard hymnal, makes a beautiful gift book, 75c; 60c in quantities. Its songs are not new! If they were the book could not last. But if you do not find a hundred songs, out of its four hundred and fifty, that are new to you, we will give you a book free!
Louisville News: The Bible Classes at Portland Ave., Church have opened with an attendance far the largest in their history. Joshua, in the Old Testament class, and. John in the New, are assigned for the first six week’s term. Brother Boll changes address to 2626 Montgomery Street.
Stanford Chambers and E. L. Jorgenson are back from good meetings. near Sullivan and Mitchell, Ind., respectively. Brother Jorgenson goes to Harper, Kansas, for Thanksgiving, and then to Basil for a week’s meeting. Portland Church,
Thos. Lafollette especially, conducts a new mission, with good attendance, at 818 N. 33rd St.
“Please report our work as doing well in New Orleans. Attendance and interest steadily increasing week by week. I find conditions in this field a little different from anything I have had before, and our growth must necessarily be slow, but we are pressing on in the work, asking God to give the increase. Some noble workers in this little band, whose zeal is very helpful and encouraging.”- Willis H. Allen.
From Lachoochee, Fla.: “I have asked Bro. L. K. Harding·, of Henning, Tenn., to come to Lachoochee to hold a meeting. He has agreed. Lachoochee is a new town, growing rapidly. There are only two members of the Church of Christ here and only one other church. I shall have to secure a tent. The- expense of the meeting is greater than I can bear. If any Christian would like to have a part in this work for the Master, send your contribution to. • me here.”- S. D. Hunt.