From H. L. Olmstead: “The week’s meeting· at Westmoreland, Tenn., resulted in four fine additions to the congregation—two by baptism and two by membership. Some others were much interested, and some will at tend the Bible Study who have not been attending.”
Churches that have purchased the new alphabetical hymnal, “Great Songs of The Church,” during the last 30 days, in quantities of 50,100 and up: Winchester, Ky.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Nashville Bible School; Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Ellis, Ind.; El Paso, Texas; North Hampton, Ohio; and New Jersey Bible and Tract Depot—besides many smaller orders. Some wanted a shape-note book, but selected “Great Songs” in round notes in preference to the nearest second in the shapes: Why? Send for a copy and find out the reason. 60c in quantities. Already in its third edition; already the recognized standard hymn and tune book.
From McMinnville, Tenn.: “Great meeting here. Preaching twice daily to splendid audiences—500 at night. Five added to date. J. Paul Slayden is the evangelist located here.”—L. K. Harding.
H. Jackson writes that the work at Fern Ave. Church is promising, with a fine program arranged for the winter. Their motto: “Consecration— Service.”
From Lockney, Texas: “Since I made any report of work, I have held meetings at Wolf Flat, twelve baptized at Turkey, four baptized, three re stored; and at near Dickens, fourteen baptized, six restored; and at Dodsonville, three restored.”—J. Frank Copeland.
From George A. Klingman, Toronto: “The work up here is difficult, but we are hoping for good things. We have a splendid opportunity for work among the Jews as they are ‘taking’ this part of the city, right around the Bathurst St. Church. It looks like a challenge from the ‘chosen people.’ There are also many Chinese, Italians, and other foreigners here. Pray for us.”
“Our meeting at Roselma church, Nebraska, was hindered by unprecedented rains that took bridges out everywhere. We moved the meeting in to Albion church for the last four days, Roselma cooperating, where we had fine attendance, fine spirit, and three or four additions. I went then to Harper, Kansas, speaking once to the school and once to the church. One young man confessed sin and was restored. The Harper school is won derful. Simple in policy, spiritual in atmosphere, thoroughly efficient. The spirit of the men conducting the school, and the heroic labors and sacrifices of those capable men, Merritt, and Covey, in the Living Message office, were an inspiration to me. I got more than I gave on my western trip. —E. L. Jorgenson.
“We had a fine ‘shower’ and a fine prayer meeting at a poor brother’s home, where one man made the good confession and his wife took her stand as a Christian only, having been previously baptized to please God. The Lord has given us an increase of a dozen souls since I returned to Jacksonville late in August.”—Η. N. Rutherford.
In and around Louisville: Maurice Clymore is in a good meeting at Camp Taylor church; E. L. Jorgenson is with J. M. Hottel at Thorne’s; D. H. Friend has just closed an excellent meeting with his home church (High lands) with a number added. John E. Dunn is in the Louisville district, for a few days; and wherever he goes he does good, building up, not tearing down. Stanford Chambers, now of this city, is in a meeting at Berea church, near Sullivan, Ind. Brother Boll is in from a month’s fruitful meetings out in the state, and students are gathering for the opening of the Bible Course, November 6.
Select your holiday gifts from our catalog (free for the asking) or from the December issue of Word and Work which will be mailed out early. Every order helps us spread the Word of God. All profit from book sales are used for that purpose.
Look for the expiration notice under the front cover. $1 each from some hundreds whose time is out counts big at this end of the line. Your part is small. Do It Now.
From Rockport, Ky.: “J. M. Hottel closed a week’s revival at this place Sunday, September 30, with a very appealing and forceful message. One took membership, and the church feels greatly strengthened and revived.
“We surely feel that we can recommend Bro. Hottel as one that ‘practices what he preaches.’ His earnestness, and his quietness, together, make him a noble character. We earnestly ask for the prayers of all Christians for the ‘faithful few’ at this place. We have many hindrances and trials to face.”—A Sister.