“Our love to all the saints in America.”-W. N. Short, South Africa.

“The work in Winnipeg is moving along well, and the brethren are glad.”-H. L. Richardson.

Our Brother Boll has had a restful little trip to Toronto, through the Lakes-the gift of the Portland Ave. Church. He is now with A. C. Reader in a meeting at Waterford, Ky.

E. Davis, elder at Browning, Mo., sends a hearty commendation of Evangelist Charles L. Speir, who is now devoting full time to evangelistic work.

“Great Songs _ of The Church” is not one of a series of books whose chief distinction is in the title. No other book is like it. We do not know of another collection so large for the cost, regardless of merit. You can pay more but you can’t get more. No church will ever exhaust its rich supply. There will always be new songs to learn-without laying aside the old, and those the church has already learned and learned to love.

J. E. Thornberry’s meeting at Palmyra, Ind., was a good one, as meetings where he preaches usually are and specially where that magnificent Christian man, 0. W. Scott, of Borden, has prepared the hearts of the people. Brother Thornberry begins at Borden, August 5th.

News from Forest Hill Mission, near Sneedville, Tenn.: One baptism June 17. Another mission point has been opened up at a mining camp a short distance from Forest Hill. Interest good, all things considered. Satan is working overtime at these two points.” (So are the Dicksons.)

The new directory of the Highland Church, Louisville, now being prepared, will show the addition of a good list of new names. Highlands is, and has been for years a great church, a live, active, genuinely united missionary church, whose influence is felt far beyond the circle of its local – habitation. D. H. Friend, the present teacher, has won the confidence of the whole membership. His capable ministry is being rewarded with additions constantly, and extra chairs are required regularly to seat the morning audience.

Several books have come in for review. Perhaps they will be read before we print again.

F. L. Wheeler has removed to Spencer, Ind., after laboring all winter with the church at Amite, La:

 “Why Not be Just a Christian,” and “The Church I Found and How I Found It,” are great tracts. 5c, 50 for $1.00, $15 the thousand. Use these silent preachers.

Ramsey and Sitman held an interesting meeting at Amite, La., in June, with five converted. They were in Winnfield in a tent meeting having a lively time at last report.

E. L. Jorgenson is now in a meeting at Campbellsville, Tenn. “I was with D. H. Friend at Rockport, Ky., June 17-30. Visible results, 4 baptisms, 2 for membership and 1 renewal. July 1-14 I was at Ebenezer, near Harrodsburg, Ky., where 12 “heard, believed and were baptized.” One was a man seventy-five years old. Six were restored to fellowship and it two came for membership. The meeting was a success in many ways. I am now at Madison, Ala., to help H. N. Rutherford for about ten days. There is much to be done.” J.M. Hottel.

 From Chicago: “Will you please mention briefly that the church formerly meeting in Room 803 Capitol Building (formerly the Masonic Temple), State and Randolph Streets, has moved to Room 309 in the same building? This move was made necessary by the increase in attendance due to our finding a number of families who have moved to Chicago recently. We hope to find a great many more and we are writing a number of people throughout the country asking them .to give us the names and addresses. of any members in Chicago.”-E. E. Beck, 5012 Cottage Grove Ave.

“Wm. Irvine and I are now in a tent meeting at Decatur City, Iowa. There have been no visible results as yet. We are told that this is a very hard town, and that the Gospel has never taken hold, but we trust in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the prayers of the saints. We shall go to Leon, Iowa, for a week’s meeting following this, the Lord willing. Pray· for this work.”-Philip Bornwasser.

From Elmdale, Mont.: “The work here is still progressing. One more baptism on Lord’s Day next, if the Lord permits. Others almost persuaded. Bro. J. 0. Golphenee is in the western part of this state at present in a series of meetings at Big Horn, Mont. I have two more short meetings before harvest.”-J. C. Bailey.

From Sherman, Texas: “It has been our pleasure to spend a season with the good people of Celtic church and community in a very enjoyable and spiritual meeting. R. C. Bell, of Harper Christian College, was the preacher. The one outstanding impression he leaves on the mind of his hearers is his earnest devotion to the word of God. In these days when men on every side are questioning the authenticity and authority of the Scriptures, it is refreshing to hear the great truths of the Word reimpressed upon the minds of the waiting people. Celtic church is blessed with devout Christian leaders in brethren Howard and Teague and a goodly number of earnest men and women. The church is the result largely of the labors of R. H. Boll, though others also have helped. Brother Boll is remembered for his work of faith and ministry of love and is held in highest esteem by the Christians and others in this community.”-R. A. Zahn.

From Lake City, Fla.: “Until now I° have never reported my work, but I think it is very encouraging to the church to read reports. I have, with Brother Frank Morrow’s assistance, got several brethren together at Watertown, Fla., who are going to meet each Lord’s Day at that place. They seem very anxious to work for the Lord.

“Brother Claus’ meeting at Millway closed with 16 baptisms and 2 re- stored. I appreciate the way you conduct the Word and Work.”-J. M. Cole.