H. L. Richardson, Principal of Carman Bible Training School, is laboring with Sherbrook Street Church, Winnipeg, for six weeks, returning in the autumn for a similar period. A. E. Firth, East Toronto, renews our entire club of ten at that place.

     Eleven were added to the church during H. L. Olmstead’s meeting at Wheeling, W. Va.

     From the Louisiana French Mission field: “I wish you would tell your readers that we have had a most happy meeting of the main part of the French brethren. Satan had been having us at a serious disadvantage. God gave us a great victory. We know of no serious trouble remaining. Help us by your prayers to keep ourselves in the love of God. Let all know by this that Brother John Newman has, in a most scriptural way, cordially set himself right. Beginning June 1, Bro. N. will take up his work as usual, and any favor shown him will be a favor to us all.”— Ben J. Elston.

     The Revelation article for June covers Rev. 8-11. The next will take in chapters 12-14, the most important part thus far, which throws light upon all that went before and all that comes after.

     From J. C. Bailey, Elmdale, Mont.: “I spoke twice at Istevan, Can., nine times at Mona, Mont., nine times at Goodwin School-house, six times at the McKinley School-house, and twice at the water’s edge.

     New orders for our Lesson Quarterly (Third Quarter) or changes in old orders should be sent in at once.

A good report comes from the Pullias-Zahn meeting at Cleburne, Tex: “14 additions the last two days, 35 in all.” Children love “Great Songs of The Church.”

       F. L. Wheeler writes: “When Brother Hendrix’ house in Indiana burned, while the people were watching the fire, being afraid to venture into the flames which had multiplied beyond control, the little girl, Frances, thought of ‘Great Songs’ and rushed into the flaming house, rescuing the song book unharmed. However, the book showed signs of having been wrapped in the flames.”

     This is what is known as the “Sod House Country,” so called by Bro. Don Carlos Janes when he was in this country some years ago stirring up missionary work. Bro. J. 0. Golphenee is still in the field and assisting in the meetings. The results to date are 8 baptisms, 1 restored and 8 confessions last night: many more almost persuaded. Good crowds, splendid interest. Pray for the Montana work.”

     “The Church I Found and How I Found It,” and “Why Not Be Just a Christian?” are two great tracts for summer meetings. The last-named costs $15 the thousand, with or without a notice printed to order upon it. Send a quarter at our risk for sample set of seven best tracts.

     Belated good news from Dallas Jewish Mission: “The two daughters of my recent convert, Mr. Neederman, have yielded in obedience to the blessed gospel and were baptized by our friend of Israel, Dr. E. V. Woods. My cup, though little, overflows with joy. The praise belongs all to Him.”— Stephen D. Eckstein.

     From Andrew Perry: “On April 12 I got home from quite an extended trip beginning Jan. 27. On this trip I preached at a number of points in Illinois, Indiana, and Arkansas— 51 sermons. I find the congregations awakening to the great need of New Testament Evangelistic work. Two counties in Arkansas (the congregations therein without any appearance of society work) have each already an evangelist at work in new and destitute places, and a number of other congregations are planning mission meetings.”

     “I have a harmless remedy for the tobacco habit that I want every tobacco user to try. I guarantee that it will stop all craving for tobacco in any form, no matter how long a person has been using it. Write to me and I will tell you about it.”— Loomis 0. Hinton, Spencer, Ind., (Adv.)

     “Supplements” to “Great Songs of The Church,” (50 noble hymns) to paste into the first edition, may now be had at 5c each. Get “Great Songs” now, in readiness for this year’s meeting. We will wait on the money if necessary. Once in, you will never need to change. “In thirty years, the book will still be in its prime,” says our greatest song leader. Is your congregation in the list published on last cover page? The list keeps on growing.

      A report of 9 additions, 8 by baptism, to the Church in Portland, Me., where R. G. Schell labors, was mislaid and belated. It’s a fine report! Dear Bro.———-:

     “You will no doubt find in ‘Great Songs of The Church,’ by E. L. Jorgenson, Louisville, Ky., the best song book thus far produced and one not soon to be surpassed. I should like to see churches adopt Jorgenson’s book, for it is a rare collection brought together at long and expensive endeavor. It is deep in spiritual pathos, and, being just off the press, it should have our support as an able and recent publication, gotten out for the brethren at large. I am in no way connected with it, but I know that this book will be appreciated the more as we are developed in the true spirit of reverence and worship.”— W. W. Freeman.

      From Bro. and Sister Dickson, Sneedville, Tenn.: “We hardly know how to express our appreciation of the $25.00 monthly appropriation made by the Portland Avenue church. It will enable us to do more work for the Lord.”

      Bro. Dickson, Bro. Clyde Edens and two other members of the Forest Hill Mission are in a meeting at Big Stone Gap, Va.

     Dr. J. S. Ward was with us in New Orleans the 6th of May, and H. L. Olmstead the nights of the 10th and 11th. Both gave good spiritual lessons helpful to all who heard. We are expecting Omstead to be with us a week including the first Lord’s Day in June. — Stanford Chambers.

     Stephen D. Eckstein, Jewish Missionary of Dallas, had fine meetings at Ardmore, Okla. “Lessons on Hebrews,” by R. H. Boll, a good gift book—for home or class use, price $1.