As a boy, one of my heroes was Mickey Mantle. I loved to watch him play baseball on TV and I would try to imitate his swing every time he came to bat. I even collected some of his baseball cards. The ones I have are not worth any money, but I pull them out, occasionally, just to remind me of those younger days when he was one of the main attractions in my life.

 I didn’t think about it, at the time, but I did notice that after a homerun, he would round the bases with his head down. It wasn’t until later years that there was a good reason for that. In his own words, “After I hit a home run, I had a habit of running the bases with my head down. I figured the pitcher already felt bad enough without me showing him up around the bases.”

Mickey Mantle certainly had his faults and problems with life. Like most celebrities, he found it difficult to handle all of the fame, attention, and expectations that were thrust upon him as a major league baseball player. He carried with him the bad memories of a domineering father who forced life situations on him that he did not want. Still, I found this sense of consideration for others to be a noble example worthy of imitation.

 We live in a “rub-it-in-your-face” kind of world, today. Put-downs, condescending treatment of others, sarcasm, gloating, and harassment are just a few of the things we see being done in order to prove ourselves better than others or to just make them feel less desirable.

Jesus taught consideration for others. He was attentive to the needs of the less fortunate and tried to build them up instead of putting them down. He drew unwanted attention to himself when dared to dine and associate with society’s rejects. He helped a Samaritan woman who had been rejected by five husbands and felt the pain of judgment by the Jews. He associated with saint and sinner alike. He showed no prejudice toward others and tried to awaken a sense of kindness in the Jews toward others around them, regardless of the circumstances in life.

There are two reasons for being considerate of others. First, they are God’s creation just as we are. We should never forget that each person is valuable in the sight of God. Just as we want God’s favor toward us, we should show favor toward others around us. Second, kind consideration builds up others and gives them a kindly disposition toward us. As Christians, we need to set an example. If others see God in us, they will likely feel better disposed toward God. Remember, our good deeds may result in them glorifying God. (Mt. 5:16)

This week, look for opportunities to help others or be considerate in a way that makes them feel good and makes their day a little better…. all because you cared. —


Gary Knuckles is  the preacher of the Briensburg Church of Christ in Benton, KY