Robert H. Boll (1875-1956)

From March 1954 Word & Work

         What is the oldest book in the Bible, and who is its author?


            The book of Job is generally regarded as the oldest book, antedating the Law, and as belonging to patriarchal times. It contains no reference to tabernacle or temple or priesthood or ritual, nor mention of Israel as God’s nation, nor the fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is thought by some that Moses may have written it from ancient records, while he was in the land of Midian for forty years. But that is just a guess. Job is mentioned as an actual historic character along with Noah and Daniel in Ezek. 14:14, 20. See also James 5:11.

            What is the most ancient city in the world?

Some would say Jericho, others Damascus. What does it matter?

           What is the meaning of Luke 19:26?

            The point of this, whether in the physical or the spiritual sphere, is well summed up in the proverb; “Use or lose.” See like language in Matthew 13:12 and note the whole context, vs. 10-13.

            What is the explanation of Philippians 3:11? Does not everyone attain the resurrection?

Yes, there will be a resurrection of all, both the just and the unjust; but there is a distinction both as to time and kind. In Hebrews 11:35 we read of some who endured torture “that they might obtain a better resurrection.” There is a resurrection from the dead, as well as a resurrection of the dead. The former is select resurrection and precedes the latter time. Thus, in Luke 20:35 the Lord says, “they are accounted worthy to Atatiana to the world (mg, age) and the resurrection from (Greek ek, out of) the dead…” And in the passage from Philippians, Paul says (literally) “If by any means I may attain to the resurrection out of (or from among) the dead.” 

            Some have taken John 5:28, 29 to mean that there will be one general resurrection for all at one and the same time, all within the same hour.” If this verse were the only passage on the subject, such conclusion might be natural.  But when elsewhere (as in the passages referred to above) we read of a special and distinct resurrection to which Christians shall attain, and especially in the light of Rev. 20:4-6, it should not be hard to see that John 5:28, 29 leaves room for more than one resurrection, each within its “hour.”

 In Matt. 27:52, 53 we. Read of a resurrect=ion of the saints that took place about the time of Christ’s resurrection. The plain teaching of Rev. 20:4-6 is hotly denied and disputed by some on the ground that it is “highly  figurative “and “symbolical” and that those raised in “the first resurrection” are  “souls” only;  not noting the fact that those  souls “lived” – the same word that is used f the  resurrection of Christ Himself in Rev. 2:8-and that “the rest of the dead lived not until the. 1000 years should be finished.” (Rev. 20:5)

                            Is it true that Joseph and Mary (the mother of Jesus) were first cousins?

If there was such relationship between Joseph and Mary there is no record of it whatsoever.

  • R. H. Boll (1875-1956)  was Editor of Word and Work from 1916-1956 and was the. minister  of the Portland Avenue Church of Christ in Louisville, KY from 1904-1956