- A brother in the Lord wishes to use a sum of money in the way that will bring the most good to humanity and the greatest glory to God. He has instructed The Word and Work to pay $25 for the best, most suggestive article; and $10 for the second best. He has asked us to judge the articles, which, in co-operation with the brother himself, we agree to do. The articles must be submitted in typewriting, must reach this office not later than June 30, and must not exceed eleven hundred words in length. The best article will be published in the first possible issue of this magazine.
- Stanford Chambers reports the baptism of two young ladies, formerly Catholics, at Seventh and Camp, New Orleans, in March. Brother Chambers has been down near the mouth of the Mississippi, preaching in a dance hall, in a French Catholic district.
- Schools wishing to start in now with our Lesson Quarterly can still be supplied. 6c each; picture cards, 4c per quarter.
- Frank L. Wheeler sends a paid up club of 64 names from Amite, La. “Be a Doubler!”
- From Graton, Calif.: “School is fine, many enquiries for next year. Six graduate from our High School department.”— A. B. Reese.
- Brother Loomis 0. Hinton, of Spencer, Ind., w rites: “I have a harmless remedy for the tobacco habit that I want every tobacco user to try. I guarantee that it will stop all craving for tobacco in any form no matter how long a person has been using tobacco. Write to me and I will tell you about it.
- From Lebanon, Tenn.: “Our Father is blessing us in His work. Let us work and pray that great good may be done for Jesus and that men may be persuaded to live for Him.”— Morgan H. Carter.
- From Paris, Texas: “One baptism yesterday. Our meeting with F. B. Shepherd, begins June 24.”— F. L. Young.
- E. L. Jorgenson came in from Toronto for a week’s work in the office and to preach a Baccalaureate Sermon at Borden Institute, Borden, Ind.
- From Washington, D. C .: “Congratulations! We opened the song books for the first time yesterday and the whole congregation was highly pleased. Such singing as you have never heard!
- Brother Long is in a meeting at Sistersville, W. Va., with fine results. He closed at New Martinsville, W. Va., with 52 additions. Will open our tent meeting here as soon as he gets back.”— Ο. B. Curtis.
- Announcement: “If you are coming to Washington, D. C., for the Shrine convention in June, don’t forget to attend the series of meetings beginning May 20, Brother T. B. Larimore doing the preaching. The Shrine convention makes possible an opportunity for us to “Preach the Word” and this we intend to do, so you will consider this a special invitation for everybody to be with us. Remember the place, 14th & Meridian St., N. W. Take 14th and Decatur, 14th and Colorado Ave., Takoma Park or 14th and Park cars, get off at Meridian -Street.”
- From Frank Grammer: “Brother Gardenhar, of Pottsboro, Texas, preached at Pearson Church of Christ near Hendrix, Okla., Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Many were present at each service; two were added to the one fold and one restored to fellowship. The writer will begin a singing school for the brethren at Pearson tonight. He will also teach three 18-day Normal Singing Schools this summer, beginning June 25. Congregations would do well to send one or two pupils. For particulars write Frank Grammer, Mena, Arkansas.”
- R. H. Boll is preaching in special meetings in the Shawnee Church, Louisville.
- C. McQuiddy writes from Forest Hill, La .: “I spent four days during the cold and sleet of February at Neami, La. One lady took her stand as a Christian only and one man said he intended doing more for the Lord financially than he had ever done! Neami is a sawmill town of no mean dimensions. April 4 to 12 found me at a school-house near Pine Prairie, La. Visible results of this meeting, 32 additions including 6 restored to their first love, 6 who had been Baptists, 5 from the Roman Church.” Word and Work keeps on growing— in numbers and in favor.
- “Be a Doubler.” From Glenmora, La .: “The Glenmora work felt the effects of a hard freeze during March. Cold, excessive rains, flu, whooping’ cough, were some of the hindrances. I conducted eighteen services; made seventeen visits; conducted two funerals, one of an infant, the other a man within a few months of his 105th birthday. He had been a servant of the Lord about 30 years. A short meeting in a school-house in April almost rained out daily. We have a splendid brother of unimpeachable character, of the French tongue, who is inclined to be a teacher among his own people.”—A. K. Ramsey
- An article in this month’s magazine will introduce D. H. Jackson to our readers. Brother Jackson has been the evangelist of Fern Ave. Church, Toronto, for some years. There have been 22 accessions to that church, by baptism, within the last three weeks. Brother Jackson is a true proclaimer of the Gospel of God, kind, yet courageous and convincing.
- “What the Salem church thinks of the Word and Work Lesson Quarterlies is manifest. After using them the first quarter they have re-ordered them for the second. Some said they were the best they have seen. Others said they have taught them how to study the Bible. I preach for these brethren twice a month. Bro. Olmstead will hold our meeting in August. Pray for us.”— Edward E. Kranz.
- We have received a copy of Morgan H. Carter’s little booklet, “Bible Questions.” The outstanding features are the two articles in the beginning, the three hundred and six questions and answers chronologically arranged, and the list of persons at the back with Bible references showing where to read. It is suggested that one character be taken each lesson and the question material be used for drill work. They should serve well in week-day work for children and young people, and as supplementary work, or for regular work on Lord’s Day. We can supply them at 10c a copy, $1.00 a dozen, or $7.00 a hundred.
- Best reports come from the Hardeman-Smith meeting in the Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, Constant stream of additions, large crowds and excellent preaching. We are glad.