“I must have the series on Revelation. 1 often wish I could hear you preach. Will there be preaching in the Home to which we go?”—Abbie D. Cartland.
“The good work of the Carman Bible Training School is still going on.”—J. C. Bailey.
From Greenville, S. C.: “The church here is meeting in its new home, paid for except $600. Brother Janes left us last night having spent three nights with the brethren, and we were glad of his visit.”—G. F. Gibbs.
Quite a number of new schools and classes are beginning the use of the Word and Work Lesson Quarterly. We printed hundreds of extras and can still supply in any quantity, 6c each. They are truly a help—not a substitute—to Bible study. Elam’s Junior Quarterly, cards, papers, Sunday School Times, Gist of The Lesson, also handled
From Bathurst St., Toronto: “The church meetings are keeping up well. Brother Harding has baptized three.”—W. H. Peck.
From Glendale, Ky.: “Brother Willis H. Allen will probably help us out one Sunday a month in 1923.”—B. B. Brooks.
From Portland, Me.: “I expect to be very busy this winter with the Lord’s Day meetings, prayer meetings, Bible Classes and song classes. We are having a union singing class each Saturday night now.”—R. G. Schell
The two books reviewed last month, “Evolution at the Bar,” 75c, and “The Chronology of The Bible,” $1, are being called for and highly commended.
Burrit College, Spencer, Tenn., announces the opening of its spring term on January 2.
The Gospel Herald, of Harper, Kan., Harvest Work, of St. Louis, and Kentucky Evangelist have combined in The Living Message, sent out from Harper. The initial number is a good looking, 16-pager 8 ½ x 11 1/2, and the men whose names appear as editors and managers are tried and true-blue, faithful to the Living Message in doctrine, spirit, and life—so far as we know; and we think we know them. The Living Message (issued weekly, $1.50 a year) and The Word and Work may both be secured through this office at the special rate of $2.00.
Frank Grammer reports good song classes at North Salem, Mo., and near Hackett, Ark., also a helpful meeting, H. G. Barnett preaching, at the home church at Mena, Ark.
We need these back numbers: 1 February, 1916; 1 May, 1917; 1 January, 1918; 2 February, 2 August, 2 November, 1920; 1 April, 1 May, 1 July, 1 October, 1921; 1 May, 1922. We can only thank those always kind enough to answer these calls. Duplicating occurs, but does no harm.
From the elders and soliciting committee, Cleveland, Ohio: “For a number of years we have been meeting in such places as our means would afford, such places proving very unsatisfactory, affording no place for evening services or evangelistic work. We have been striving to secure a church house for several years, and our efforts have been rewarded to the extent of securing a suitable lot, free from indebtedness with the restrictive clause properly written in the deed.
“Hoping to construct a building suitable to the needs of the cause in this city of wickedness and error, the little band here are addressing the brotherhood soliciting aid in erecting a meeting house in Cleveland from which the Gospel of Christ as taught by Christ and his apostles, without additions or subtractions, may be proclaimed, to a fallen people.”
The Word and Work will be glad to forward any funds intended for Cleveland.
Now’ is the time to make up clubs for this paper. The editor’s Revelation articles, were mentioned, will draw the subscription. $1 a year, 75c in clubs. The club rate is also the agent’s rate. Agents collect at $1 and keep out 25c; or friends may club together each one saving 25c. One name is always free with three others paid for at the regular rate. We are reserving some hundreds of this issue so as to supply all who come in late with the opening number of the year and of the Revelation series. This series will run through and close out with the year, and will, we believe, prove to be the most valuable commentary on the Apocalypse obtainable.
We can supply E. A. Elam’s Junior Quarterly in connection with our own (which is for adults and seniors) at 6c each