You will not want to miss the December issue of Word and Work. It will go out early, extra-large, showing the best books and other holiday gifts. Renew now if your time is out.

The Highland meeting, Louisville, is said by many of the brethren to have been the best ever held in the house, although Brother Boll missed six services on account of temporary illness. The outside attendance was remarkable. Nine were added.

“J. E. Blansett has recently held two meetings in South Dallas, is away in a meeting now, and is, I think, to hold one in Oak Cliff soon.”—May Lynn.

F. G. Schell leaves Toronto, Nov. 1, for Portland, Me., to labor with Portland and Westbrook churches. We happen to know that Brother Schell’s work in the East Toronto congregation has been full of blessing and that he leaves that work in the most promising condition in its history.

“Please announce in your paper that my address will be 591 Euclid Ave., Toronto, Canada, until April 1, 1923.”—L. K. Harding.

“The Church I Found and How I Found It”—a most remarkable tract by Boll, 5c each, 50 for $1, $15 the thousand, with or without imprinted church notice.

The call for “Great Songs of The Church” in shape notes has been heavy, but we have this great hymnal in the standard notation only.

We can supply “Scriptural Songs,” a small manila-bound book that comes in shape notes only, at 25c, $20 the hundred. It contains 167 songs, nearly all good.

Who will be so kind as to send us one copy of Word and Work for October, 1921? Thank you.

In a Detroit paper appears the following: “The success which attended the opening of the West Side Central Church of Christ last Sunday afternoon was manifested by the immense crowd which taxed the capacity of the church. Claud F. Witty, the minister, deserves great credit in bringing about the means whereby the people in the Grand River section can have easy access to his services. The location of the church is at Grand River and Fourteenth. Commencing next week, the subjects upon which the minister -will preach will be announced regularly in the columns of this paper. Everybody is welcome to attend these services.”

Browning, Mo., Oct. 17: “The meeting here continues; Brother Chas. L. Speir is doing his part well. He says the crowd Sunday night was the largest that has been since he has been laboring with this church. At the close of this week I have spent six weeks in North Missouri with the saints of God at Shelby, Purdin and Browning. This closes my engagements for 1922. I will possibly’· go home at the close of this meeting for a few days. Those desiring my services for the present o the next year will please address me at my home, 104 Eleventh St., Mena, Ark. Bro. Speir will be available for located work in the near future and you will make no mistake by calling him.”—

Frank Grammer.

Brother and Sister Dickson, of the Portland Ave. congregation, now living at Sneedville, Tenn., have opened a mission Sun day school, with 26 present the first time.

 One thousand “Supplements” to “Great Songs of The Church” have been printed and “hinged” ready to paste in. It makes, a perfect job, and brings the first edition of the hymnal up uniform with the new, enlarged edition, which contains 450 songs. They cost 10c each postpaid, while they last.


Don Carlos Janes and Sister Janes are planning a trip among the churches through the Western States. They have a stirring story to tell, and they’ tell it as only those who have seen the world’s great need can feel it and describe it.

“Dasher Bible School opened with the largest enrollment yet; we now have one hundred and forty-eight.”—J. Edward Boyd.

“The meeting with the Bethel congregation near Franklin, Ky., resulted in 5 baptisms and one from the denominations previously baptized. The attendance was good throughout, the spirit fine, and there was great joy among the disciples as those coming were the sons whose salvation meant much to the hearts of the brethren. Began here at Monterey Lord’s day.  ”We had a good meeting at Winchester, Ky. Was there twelve days with the main St. church. Found them a fine congregation with which to work, and Brother Claude Neal a good yoke-fellow. Twenty-one were added to the congregation, eight baptized, and 13 who had already obeyed the Lord took their stand with the congregation,”—H. L. Olmstead.