From the August 1922 Magazine
The office has not received final reports from Brother Bolt’s meetings in Dallas and Celtic (near Sherman) Texas. We know that quite a number were added and restored in Dallas— Peak and Main congregation, but that the good help of Brother Blansett, faithful servant and teacher there, was greatly missed as he was sick. A sister in the Oak Cliff congregation writes that Brother Boll “preached the word wonderfully and powerfully, in a way and manner peculiarly all his own.”
Η. N. Rutherford writes from 722 Charles St., Jacksonville, Fla., that they have had two good tent meetings in that city this season. From other sources, we learn of Brother Rutherford’s work in the jails, where one or more men, sentenced to die, have confessed Christ and obeyed Him in baptism. This spirit-—this zeal in the lowly work of Jesus—is just what has endeared Brother Rutherford to the people wherever he goes. Let us do more of the lowly work that Jesus did.
Sixty were added to the church, is the good news from Glenmora, La. It sounds like a word of victory from the battle front! God delights to use men like Stanford Chambers, who did the preaching, and A. K. Ramsey who assisted, and in whose field Glenmora lies. Brother Chambers is now in Louisville in a tent meeting with the Portland Avenue congregation.
Loranger, La., July 4:—“The church in Loranger, which was almost dead, has been revived. Our meeting ran three weeks, with large audiences after the first week. There were 10 additions, 5 of them (baptisms) being from the so-called “mother church.”— Maston Sitman.
E. L. Jorgenson is at this writing in a meeting with the Campbellsville church in Tennessee; fine crowds and interest with several baptisms to date, and regular missionary gifts pledged.
Amite, La., July 12:— “Stanford Chambers is with us in a series of meetings. One baptized with prospects for more. Brother Sitman reports good meetings at Oak Grove.”—W. J. Johnson.
H. L. Olmstead passed through Louisville July 15 on his way to a string of meetings in Kentucky: Mackville, Glen’s Creek, Ebenezer, Fishersville, Buechel and Winchester.
Brother Olmstead’s statement in a private letter, of the work at Westmoreland, Tenn., is of much interest: “We have had five additions to the little band here that will be a great help to them. I stay a few days longer, ‘the brethren here have a neat little church home, nice seats, baptistery”, and three rooms for classes. They owe $350, a big sum for them, but not enough to discourage them. Last winter, while 1 was waiting for some place to go to, the Lord opened the way and I came over one Sunday and baptized a fine young man, 32 years old, whose funeral I was called to preach in one day over a week later. The visit, the sermon, the baptism, and the death of the man all resulted in this congregation and the building.”
Childress, Tex., July 14:— “We have just closed a 16-days’ meeting hero with 31 additions, 29 of them by baptism. Brother W. I). Bills, of San Antonio, did the preaching. The interest was good throughout. Childress church has given over $5,000 this year for the Lord’s work. She has added an annex, giving a third more seating capacity. Bible class attendance has about doubled since the first of the year.”—-R. A. Zahn.
Blackwater, Mo., July 13:— “The work is moving along nicely here. We are now buying a tent for mission work. More than $150 was raised last Sunday in five minutes for the tent. Our Bible class over in Blackwater is growing in interest and attendance. We hope to conduct a meeting there soon. I am also conducting a Bible class on Wednesday evening here at the LaMine Meeting House. Pray for us that we may realize we are saved for service.
“On Wednesday evening, June 28, I had the pleasure of uniting in marriage Brother A. S. Croom, of Morrilton, Ark., President of the Arkansas Christian College, and Miss Margaret Price Harris, of this congregation. It was a beautiful home wedding, the bride and groom standing under an arch of flowers on the lawn with Dr. Croom, of Harper, Kansas, the groom’s brother and Mrs. Russel, sister of the bride, groomsman and maid of honor, respectively.— J. Scott Greer.
D. H. Jackson reports good meetings in the churches of Toronto. G. A. Klingman’s work in the Bathurst St. church is being greatly appreciated. Ralph Schell is laboring in Portland. Me., for a season.
From Stanford Chambers: “Closed at Amite, July 17, 3 baptisms. Sitman closed near by, at Oak Grove, 14 added, at Loranger before that with 10 added. These three meetings were in the field where W. J. Johnson has labored for over ten years, but who is now leaving it for a field of Florida. Our Glenmora meeting closed with 60, and a move to build residence for preacher Ramsey.’’
H. L. Richardson, Principal of Carman Bible Training School, writes that he is in a good meeting at Schnellar School- house near Bromhead, Sask.
The Glenmora tent meeting, among other results, put $50 worth of Bibles and Testaments in people’s homes. If a number of small Testaments and Bibles and some in large print of each were on the ground in meetings they would go, especially when meetings are in unchurched section.”— S. C.
New Orleans, July 22.— “Our Loranger-Oak Grove meeting resulted in 23 additions, one of whom was an intelligent young Italian who for years was a station agent on the I. C. R. R. We hope to develop him into an Italian missionary, a vital need in this field. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to this end.”— Maston Sitman.
Carson, La., July 24.— “A little band of disciples worshipping on the Fair Grounds car line at the Velva St. crossing, Shreveport, has been trying to sound out the Word, using a tent one week in Bossier City, now two weeks in Cedar Grove. Some are being added to their number. One is to be baptized tonight.” —Ben J. Elston.
Madison, Ala., July 25.— “We had a fine meeting at Scribner’s Mills, Tenn.; nine restored and five baptized. Meeting here at Berea is fair. Increasing audiences and interest.”—-Leonard Daugherty.