Look for the expiration notice under the front cover— if your time is out this month. Your prompt renewal is needed and will be greatly appreciated.
From W. J. Johnson, Amite, La.: “I have just closed a short meeting at Little River, where three members live. There is no church there, and our work resulted only in seed-sowing.— Bro. Maston Sitman, of New Orleans, began a series of gospel meetings at Loranger on June 11. Brother Stanford Chambers, of New Orleans, will join us on July 10 at Amite to conduct a series of meetings. — The writer will go to North Louisiana in this month to conduct some mission meetings. Pray for us.”
From Iota, La.: “Brother A. K. Ramsey began a tent meeting at Maxey, La, June 1. He was joined by Brother McQuiddy, of Forest Hill, La. We have been hindered at present by daily showers, otherwise good prospects for a good meeting.”
R. G. Schell, of Toronto, writes that he has been assisting D. H. Jackson in a meeting at the Erin Church, Ontario. He says, “Erin is a praying church, with a sincere desire to get back to the New Testament model entirely.” Jackson and Schell are certainly a strong pair.
R. H. Boll was with the church in Henning, Tenn., in a good short meeting late in June. Some of God’s noblest live in Henning. It is one of the few churches where every member attends the services. Brother Boll is now in Dallas in a meeting.
Elsewhere will be found a notice of Dasher College. Earl Smith and J. Edward Boyd, two of the teachers, are doing summer work in Mercer University and in the University of Florida. There are no better men than these, and they are doing a great, unselfish work.
H. L. Olmstead held three meetings of one week each in Perry County, Indiana, under the direction of the Lily Dale church. The number added averaged about one each night. Brother Olmstead is now in a meeting at Utica, Indiana, together with Leonard Daugherty, who preaches there.
From Miss Margaret Ehresman, Kearney, Neb.: “If you have space in Word and Work, I will appreciate it if you will request names and addresses of brethren living in or near Kearney. We hope to find enough to gather a church there.”
Three were baptized in the Highland church, Louisville, June 18.
“The June Word and Work was certainly a wonder. How can you cram so much valuable material into so small a paper? Some single articles are worth more than the price of the paper for a whole year”— so writes John Von Allmen. Nearly all who read the paper feel more or less the same way. Of course, if you lay it aside, and do not read the articles, you will not care to renew when your time is out. Those who read, renew.
A. C. Reader, of Louisville, helped and encouraged by Portland Avenue and Highland churches, conducted a fruitful meeting in the Camp Taylor district. About twenty confessed Christ and were baptized, while some others cast in their lot with the new congregation of Christians there. Brother Reader is now in a mission meeting at Mt. Washington, Ky.
Morris Clymore and G. B. Dasher are doing good work as mountain missionaries again this year. They are in the region of Harlan, Ky.
Don Carlos Janes is resting and gaining strength at Battle Creek just now, preparatory to visiting the churches later if the Lord permit. His message to the Louisville churches concerning the need of China and the other pagan fields was one of the most stirring addresses we have ever heard.
Evangelists will help the Word and Work, and also the churches with which they labor, if, on the last night of the revival they will speak of the magazine and offer to take subscriptions. It will continue the good teaching after they are gone, it is clean, inexpensive, expository, newsy. Samples furnished.
Brother Fry, of Detroit, sends us this note: “Will you kindly insert in the Word and Work the following announcement to run continuously for six months: The Plum Street Church of Christ, Detroit, Michigan, now meets in its new building, Cor. Hamilton Blvd., & Tuxedo Ave. Visiting brethren welcome.”
From T. B. Clark, Gallatin, Tenn.: “Hot Springs, Ark., is a beautiful little city that entertains thousands of people every year. These people should be given an opportunity to know the truth as taught in the New Testament. Efforts are being made by a few interested persons to establish the Cause of Christ firmly. Brethren generally ought to be interested. Hot Springs is a fine center from which the truth can be sounded out to people from all over the U. S. I will begin a meeting there the second Sunday in July continuing for at least three weeks. I will do the preaching on my own accord. If brethren do not wish to help me, who will help support a singer for the meeting? Communicate. with Dr. E. W. Gossett, 508 Hobson Ave., Hot Springs, Ark.”