Since the Covid lockdown, many churchgoers no longer attend worship services regularly, alleging it is easier and less time-consuming to stay home and watch an online service. When confronted, some suggest they have grown beyond the need for in-person worship at a local congregation, claiming they get as much fulfillment when viewing a service online. Others rationalize that they may even watch two or three different sermons on a Sunday morning.
Hebrews 10:24-25 commands, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Admittedly, some contemporary worship services are designed in such a way that it is easier to be a spectator rather than participate in the worship. Regardless of the worship style, here are six reasons why Christ-followers should attend worship in person:
- It edifies you.You may complain that the music is not your favorite or the sermon leaves you bored, but the Word of God is read, communion is served, Christ is exalted…and the offering is collected! Occasionally, you may leave the dinner table disappointed that the meal was not tasty, but somehow your digestive system still assimilates the food, nourishing your body. The same is true when you regularly attend worship and are fed the Word of God in person.
- It provides an opportunity to serve others. Whenyou attend church, you learn about the needs of Christian brothers and sisters and are motivated to minister to them and pray for them. It is not all about you.
- It quietly testifies to the lost.When your neighbors see you drive out the driveway headed for church, they know where you are going. When the golfer drives by the church building on Sunday morning and sees the cars in the parking lot, he is reminded of where he should be. Church attendance slowly and quietly testifies to the world which side you are on.
- It provides a natural evangelistic opportunity.When you attend worship regularly, you have a natural venue to invite lost people to join you and learn about Christ. It is amazing how much more edifying a church service becomes when someone who does not know the Lord sits by your side.
- It encourages other believers.A young college student was struggling with doubt. He was so troubled he decided to go to a local church on Sunday morning to see if he could rediscover the faith that had previously served as the foundation for his life. That morning, in an old traditional church service, his faith was renewed, and he left that day recommitted to Christ. The student later testified that his inspiration did not come from the singing or the preaching. But during the pastoral prayer, he opened his eyes and glanced around. Two rows behind him and across the aisle was a much-respected science professor with his head bowed in intense prayer. The young man thought to himself, “If that teacher with all his brilliance can believe, so can I.” Maybe the college professor left disappointed that he did not get much out of the service that day. Yet the fact that he took the time to meet with other believers was a source of encouragement to a young student…whether or not the professor realized it. Just attending church spurs others on toward love and good deeds.
- One final reason we need to attend church regularly: God commands it.Enough said!
Bob Russell is retired Senior Minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.