At last report, the Hardeman-Pullias meeting in Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, in which the Nashville congregations have joined and combined their efforts, had resulted in 159 additions. “Great crowds, great singing,” is the report. We rejoice with the Nashville brethren.
The Shawnee Church, Louisville, began a meeting May 7. Wm. Greenaway did the preaching.
R. G. Schell, of Canada, and Miss Bernice Howard, of Texas, have been good enough to furnish the cost of sending 25 “Great Songs” to Africa.
Brother and Sister Janes are now in Louisville, after their strenuous journey through the oriental mission fields.
From Unity, Maine: “We are praying that just the right man may be sent here for a meeting in August. We are still rejoicing over last year’s great meeting. Remember us in prayer.” —Mrs. Everett G. Wing.
What a wonderful array of scriptures D. M. Panton—that able English writer— has given in last month’s article on “Marriage and the Woman Movement.” If you have not read it, turn back and read one of the finest things ever penned by an uninspired man.
From E. L. Jorgenson, Toronto, Canada: “The home church, (Highlands, in Louisville) reports seven additions for April and May—almost one a week—and the attendance and interest have held up wonderfully well all through our absence. Theirs is evidently no ‘one-man pastor system.’ We have had a delightful ministry with the Bathurst Street Church here, and delightful visits and meetings with the other congregations of the city as well. We leave June δ— after the “June Mass Meeting”— and Brother G. A. Klingman comes on June 16.
Wyatt Roush, of Topeka, Kansas, writes that Brother Wilkerson of Springfield, Mo., is conducting a meeting in that city. Eighty copies “Great Songs of the Church” were ordered for the meeting.
H. L. Olmstead’s meeting at Portland Ave., Louisville, closed suddenly on account of the serious illness of his little ‘boy. But God had mercy and spared the lad. Quoting Brother Boll, “Olmstead preached a magnificent sermon on ‘Signs of the Times,’ and ten came forward.”
Will those who want our Bible-class Literature-cards, Quarterlies, “Little Learners,” picture-rolls, etc., for the quarter beginning July 1, please let us know now! Often orders come too late to be filled.
From Greenville, S. C.: “The work here is about as usual. We have had no additions for five Sundays, but we keep moving on and doing something. We usually have twice as many children as adults in the meetings, and sometimes adults who are prospective members.” G. F. Gibbs.
The Word and Work Lesson Quarterly costs less than half the usual price— 5c each. Ask for a free sample, compare with others, and see if it is not the very best at any price.
Brother and Sister 0. D. Bixler have passed the three—year mile-post in Japan last February. They are now laboring at Ibara Ken, Naka Gun, Shioda Mura. “We need a woman here to do a woman’s work among the people,” writes Brother Bixler; “Pray for, and send us, such a worker.”
From Forest Hill, La.: “Eleven baptized at Glenmora this year. Some splendid material in this new congregation— meet for the Master’s use. Other points are making aggressive campaigns. Those acquainted with saw-mill towns and lumber camps which are under the control of one man know something of Western Louisiana problems. The peculiarity of the situation can only inadequately be explained. The financial need is not fully understood, and the spiritual dearth and gross irreverence of God almost beggars description. Pray for this section. Pray for us. Pray for the Lord to send laborers into the vineyard.” A. K. Ramsey.
We can supply Matthew Henry’s commentary on the whole Bible, $17.50. Six large volumes, just off the Revell Press.
The Editor held a short meeting at Gallatin, Tenn., and another at Chattanooga. In both places the blessing of the Lord attended his labors. In Gallatin 13 were baptized and several restored; in Chattanooga there were 10 baptisms. In both places the attendance and interest were splendid, and much good was done through the preaching of the Word of God.
-Larry Miles is Co-Editor of Word and Work Online