Paul commands husbands to reflect Christ by loving their wives. Husbands are to love. Wives as. Christ loved the Church. Here are. Some examples of how they should love them.
- Sacrificial Love (Eph. 5:25). Marriage is a call to serve. Christlike love take initiative. Husbands must actively love their wives (see I Cor. 13) Christlike love involves not only service but a Christlike attitude in serving (see Phil. 2:5-11). Warren Wiersbe wrote the. following, “Jacob so loved Rachel that he sacrificially worked fourteen years to win her.
- Sanctifying Love (Eph. 5:26-27). The word sanctify means to “set apart.” The wife is set apart for the. husband and the wife, likewise for the husband. Wiersbe write, “Today, Christ is cleansing His Church through the ministry of the Word (John 15:3; 17:17) The love of the. husband for his wife ought to be cleansing her (and him) so they both are. Becoming more like Christ.
- Satisfying Love(Eph. 5:28-30) Our Christian homes are to be pictures of Christ’s relationship to His Church. The marriage of a man and a woman must be satisfying on every level to each party. Wiersbe write, “There should be no starvation of love in the Christian home, for the. husband and life should so love each other that their physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met.”
The good news of the Gospel is that Christ died for those who could not keep demands perfectly. The. good news also is that the Holy Spirit daily renews and empowers us as both the. husband and the wife look to Christ for grace and mercy. If we dwell on the love of Christ daily, the husband and wife will have a Spirit-filled marriage that will bring glory to God and uplift the Lord Jesus Christ!
Larry Miles is Co-Editor of Word & Work and attends Cherry St. Church of Christ in New Albany, IN.