H. L. Olmstead held a week’s meeting with the Portland Ave. Church, Louisville. He preached at the Highland Church April 9, and writes: “We had chairs in aisles Sunday morning. Fine attendance, so it looked, and fine spirit, so it seemed.”

“We expect to sail from Liverpool for America on S. S. Canopic, due in Boston, about April 22. We expect to stop in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, and cannot tell exact time of arrival in Louisville. “I was pleased to receive February W. W. in Paris, and from the balcony near the top of Eiffel Tower (nearly 1,000 feet high) I read the Fox Financial Report and other missionary news, it was “high-class” reading. 1 am behind with my travel letters since leaving Jerusalem, and mean to indite the next one soon.” —Don Carlos Janes.

 “Welcome to our land and city.”— Publisher.

 In March, the Word and Work offered to send 75 copies “Great Songs of the Church” to Unity, Maine, if someone would supply $20, about one-third their cost. Brother and Sister Wing, of Albion, Me., have supplied the amount, plus transportation.

Now comes an inquiry from Brother Short of Forest Vale Mission, S. Africa— “What will 25 copies cost us?” Of course, we are going to answer, “Nothing.” Who will give one-third the cost, about $7?

Brother Boll preached four nights at Horse Cave, Ky., and is now in a meeting at Gallatin, Tenn.

Stanford Chambers, writing from New Orleans, April 15th: “J. M. Hottel in a splendid meeting here delivering good spiritual and scriptural messages that are sure to bear fruit. We hope Brother Hottel may like us well enough to locate here.”


From Jacksonville, Fla.: “We began a series of meetings here yesterday. Fine crowds and one baptism to date. We have bright prospects and a fine body of Christians to work with. Pray for us.” Η. N. Rutherford.

         From Forest Vale Mission, Bulawayo, S. Africa: “We are getting along nicely in the work. Have about twenty-six boys and girls learning. They will come for hundreds of miles and live on almost nothing to get to learn English, and the Bible as well, especially some of them. Not every Christian in the States will study as do some of the hoys. It is a joy to teach those who want to learn. But occasionally there is one who does not want to get his lessons. Jack Mzila, one of our native teachers, from Mashona land, who is getting some more schooling, reports four conversions since he left his country. He left two native teachers in charge.” W. N. Short.

 From Toronto, Canada: “We are enjoying our two-months’ stay with the Bathurst St. Church. I think I am expected to hold a week’s meeting in each of the three other congregations here before our return to Louisville. D. H. Jackson and R. G. Schell are really doing a wonderful work at Fern Ave. and East Toronto, respectively. I say really, because while it is customary for preachers to say this of one another, here it is true. Fern Ave. has often 75 “outsiders” at the Sunday night services. Brother Alexander Stewart’s faithful work at Wvchwood (while supporting himself) is equally worthy of mention. What an advantage those “lay-preachers” have! No tinge of professional ism, no suspicion that perhaps they are out “for the money that is in it,” to discount their influence. “Counting the solid residence sections contiguous to the city, but not within the corporate limits, Toronto is said to have a population of a million—and a cleaner, more beautiful city one could hardly wish to see. The moral tone is remarkable. Here respected women come and go alone, if need be. as late as mid night; and one cannot buy a paper on Sunday! So much for the religious training of the Scot! Our address is 591 Euclid Ave. Toronto. E. L. Jorgenson.”

W.J. Johnson writes from Amite, La.: “Good services at Oak Grove on the third Lord’s day in April. Two from the Catholic church were baptized into Christ; also, good services at other points. Pray that doors of usefulness may be opened to us for the proclaiming of the word, and that more laborers may be sent into our Master’s vineyard.”

From Yalaha, Fla.: “Brother A. C. Reader closed a two weeks’ meeting here April 12. He preached in the Methodist Church house to people of many different denominations, declaring the complete way of salvation as taught in the Bible; yet in so tactful a way that none took offence. Two ladies took their stand for Jesus and were baptized. Others were almost persuaded, but were held back because there is no congregation established here, and no one to lead the work.” Mrs. Lelia V. Homan.