Religion on the run

In the middle of the track of a transcontinental railroad at a certain point in

Ohio, there is a metal trough. It runs along for a quarter of a mile or more. It

is kept filled with water. Through trains as they rush along do not stop at

water tanks to take on water. When they reach the place where the water

trough is, the fireman presses a lever which drops a scoop from the bottom of

the tank and takes up the water as the train keeps going. No stop, no pause,

they just keep going on the dead run and scoop up the water. Isn’t that pretty

much like a lot of folks try to do with their religion, scoop it up on the run?

They haven’t time for their soul’s needs. They are too busy. “Take time to be

holy,” bids the hymn. Time must be given to receive, to hold, and to increase

the content and possession of the true, genuine, living religion in our hearts

and lives. You cannot get religion on the run. –Lutheran

Is grass growing on your path?

In some parts of Africa, where the natives live in small crowded mud huts,

with little chance of privacy, the Christians choose each one a tree in the

forest, where they may go to pray and be alone with God. If one becomes

unfaithful and neglects his place of prayer, another says, “Brother, the grass

grows on your path.” –Oklahoma City Star

Highly recommended

A young man came to London bearing a letter of introduction to Baron

Rothschild with the request that he would give him employment. The great

banker received him warmly, but expressed his regret that he had not position

for him. As the young man was going, the baron put on his hat and walked

along with him, pointing out the various objects of interest. Passing the bank,

the rich man went in to transact some business. Afterward the young man

applied at that very bank for work, and was asked, “Are you not the young

man who was walking with the baron this morning? Well, you were in good

company; and since we need a young man, we will consider this a sufficient

recommendation.” To walk with God is after all a good

recommendation. –Alfred P. Gibbs

The radiance of His presence

I remember reading years ago a simple story of an old violinist. He was poor,

but possessed an instrument which never failed to charm by its soothing

mellowness. Played as he could play, it never failed to awaken responsive

chords in the heart! Asked to explain its charm, he would hold out his violin

and, tenderly caressing its graceful curves, say: “Ah, a great deal of sunshine

must have gone into this wood, and what has gone in comes out.” How much

of God’s sunshine has entered your life? How much time have you spent in

the radiance of His presence? It is only too true of all of us that if more of

God’s radiance had entered into our souls, we should be better able to radiate

peace and hope to the crowds around us.–E. Townley Lord