When all was devastated, all was dark,

all was broken

When faith was weak,

betrayal was great

and the greatest injustice of all

was delivered  

to the one most innocent

When hope was shattered,

confusion reigned and defeat

seemed final

The cross stood. Unforgiving, devastating, absolute.



The hopelessness

Of the crucifixion

Can there be true joy

In resurrection?


For it was from that tomb that death became life.

It was in that very darkness light shone

It was to that despair a living hope was born

It was to the broken, healing

It was to us . . .redemption, glory, justice and grace


The joy of Resurrection

There is a coming King

A different ending

A final say


O, death, where is your victory?

O, death, where is your sting?



Rebekah Loveland Klave is the grown daughter of Howard and Carolyn Loveland and was taught about Jesus from a very young age.