From Blackwater, Mo.: “The work is moving along very well here.” J. Scott Greer.
Earl C. Smith, of Valdosta, Ga., writes that he may do some evangelistic work in Kentucky and Tennessee during the coming summer. We suggest that the churches in both states desiring his help communicate with him at once.
Don Carlos Janes’ second travel article appears in this issue, “Korea and Manchuria.” The next article will deal with China. Brother and Sister Janes are now studying the mission fields in India. Surely these workers are worthy of their support while they pay their own traveling expenses; who will have part in their great work?
“I was wired January 16, to come to the bedside of father where we waited breathlessly till 4:20 Sunday A. M.„ when he went to join that greater assembly above. I represented him Sunday at his accustomed place at Berea. We buried his body Tuesday. Charles Neal spoke at service. Father suffered a stroke the Sunday previous after attending and taking part at Berea that day. He never regained consciousness. The Savior has stood right by us all the while.”— Stanford Chambers.
From Winchester, Ky.: “I preached yesterday with reference to the subject of Evolution. An announcement of the subject beforehand brought an extra-large crowd showing that people are getting awake to the situation at least.”— Claude Neal.
Matthew Henry’s Commentary, complete, six large volumes, $17.50.
From Gallatin, Tenn.: “January was, by far, the best month for the congregation since I came here in October, 1921. We have had good interest in every line of work. The last Sunday of the month was a test for the work, there being very many sick with colds. All services were well attended.”— T. B. Clark.
The Word and Work will give two-thirds of the price of placing 75 “Great Songs of the Church” in the church at Unity, Maine. These books have cost us about 80c each. Who will give all or part of the balance, $20.00? Following Paul C. Young’s great meeting of last autumn, it was necessary to build a meeting house which is of itself more than this young church can finance. They now need song-books.
Tracts and books on all subjects may be had from this office.
Alabama Christian College, Berry, Ala., announces a series of special lectures February 27th to March 6th. Arthur B. Tenney is president of the school.
- C. Wilkes, of Athens, Ohio, offers a good 28-page tract, “Religious Deception Unveiled,” $3 the hundred, through this office.
A circular report of the St. Louis work, asking assistance in the support of their excellent evangelist, W. A. Sevedge, is one of the most satisfactory appeals that we have seen; not only as to the growth and progress of the work, but because the St. Louis church is doing its good, big share in the giving.
The article in this issue, “The Cause and Cure of Discord,” will be recognized as the article announced last month under slightly different title. “
I love the paper, but can’t renew just now. This is a close time with us; have had no work for over two months.” This is a sample of many letters coming to this office, especially from the country districts where money is very scarce. Of course, we always renew subscriptions in such cases: who will help maintain the fund for this purpose?
These are times that try the faith of publishers. Newell Dwight Hillis states that four out of five book stores have closed in the last few years. Many papers have discontinued. Some others have reduced in size. Surely in such a time as this we are justified in asking the friends of the Word and Work to stand by us—in prayer, in gifts and in club-getting— in a work that has always been a work of faith and a labor of love, and for which the Editors have never taken one cent for their personal use.
From Oakland, Ky.: “We are glad to report our little band at work, and our classes growing larger. We are trying to build up a stronger church at this place.”— Mrs. J. C. Thomas.
“Our work starts off well at Franklin, Ky. Services are well attended, and there is a fine spirit of fellowship and cooperation pervading the congregation. Pray for us.”—Willis H. Allen.