From our study of Scripture, we have generally recognized and practiced our worship and study of

God’s Word consisting of the following.

  • Assembling together
  • Teaching of God’s Word (Preaching)
  • Singing
  • Praying
  • Taking the Lord’s Supper
  • Baptism of Believers

     During the history of the church, we have developed various methods in which to accomplish and

expand upon the worship elements as noted above. Among these are:

  • Sunday School
  • Small Groups
  • Radio & TV Broadcasts
  • Study Books

     Considering all of these, our “accustomed” manner of meeting together in large numbers (corporate worship in large auditoriums) is Biblical, desirable and beneficial. However, there are some deficiencies in such in that;

  • The Word of God is “presented”, but the hearers do not generally have an opportunity to askquestions nor discuss the specific teaching.
  • The church has used the Sunday School class concept in order to provide this, but often these class sizes are not suitable for such personal discussion. (Also; it is often difficult to have real fellowship with such large groups.)
  • The church has sometimes taken an additional step from the Sunday School concept and

developed smaller house groups that further enhance fellowship and personal discussion that developed greater understanding of God’s Word. Such groups also enhance added and greater friendships within the congregations. Our worship as citizens of the United States of America have been able to worship freely, including any or all of the elements or methods noted above and possibly even more.

     While doing such, we have observed Christians in many other areas of the world where such freedoms have never been experienced. We have been “so blessed”.  These matters are being discussed because of the current trends that are being experienced in our

country that appear to be leading to the loss of these freedoms of worship that we have become so accustomed to. In fact, should these changes continue, it is highly likely that we in the U.S.A. will likely have much difficulty in worshiping together in large groups as we do in various church buildings.

    Because of this trend, it appears that church leadership should take active steps to train leaders to facilitate and/or teach in smaller “house groups” which we often refer to as “small groups”.

     Also; it is the opinion of many church leaders that efforts should be made to develop (expand) the number of small groups within the congregations. The development or expansion of such should have several benefits to the work of the church Either “with” or “without” such freedoms.

  • Added fellowship of Christians
  • Greater “learning” of God’s Word
  • Enhance “personal evangelism”
  • Ability to continue the ability of Christians to worship in hostile societies.

     I am therefore suggesting that the leadership of the Church take steps to:

  • Develop an organized Small Group program
  • Recruit & train individuals to facilitate Small Groups
  • Advertise & Recruit Small Group members


Sincerely & God Bless,

James (Jim) Rowe


James Rowe is currently a member of the Hikes Point Christian Church in Louisville and serves on the Board of Directors of the Southeastern Christian Education Corp.