From the February 1922 Word & Work Magazine

     Frank L. Wheeler writes from Avon Park, Fla., that he is “there to preach the glad news concerning Jesus until April.” Before going to Florida Brother Wheeler held a meeting near Winslow, Ind., with nine baptized, one restored and the church greatly revived.

“I am giving full time to the work at Horse Cave now. We are beginning the new year with bright outlook. We are at peace among ourselves, praise the Lord.”— D. H. Friend.

Η. N. Rutherford, who spent some time with the Jacksonville, Fla., church, writes that “there is a broad and needy field in these regions.”

We have in stock and for sale five copies of 0. D. Maple’s book, “The Higher Kingdom,” $1 each. The books belong to Brother Maple, whom we are unable to locate. Can anyone supply “Miligan on Hebrews” ?

A printed report of the Bowling Green Church shows gifts for the year of $2,271.28. This church is fortunate in having so good and spiritual an evangelist as M. L. Moore.

Many excellent clubs for the Word and Work for the year 1922 are being received, one this week of 125 names, from Mrs. L. B. Holloway. Some, however, have neglected to renew.

Where is J. Toone, of Canada? We owe him a song book.

An interesting report, too long for publication in this magazine, has been received concerning Brother Ishiguro’s visits among the churches. Brother Ishiguro of Tokyo, is at Abilene this year in school.

H. L. Olmstead is now conducting a Bible class with the church at Mackville, Ky. Though weather and sickness have hindered some, about forty regulars are in attendance.

The Bound Volume for 1921 is sold out.

“I spoke for the little congregation at Westmoreland, Tenn., Sunday morning. Two mature persons were obedient to the faith. They were baptized at Gallatin Sunday night where I spoke to a fine audience. Brother T. B. Clark is my successor there and the work seems to be moving along well. Some interior improvements have been made on the building and the Bible school is increasing in interest and attendance. The little congregation at Westmoreland have a house of worship under process of construction. Help would be appreciated as their numbers are few. Send to Robert Dennis, Westmoreland, Tenn.”

From Honolulu: “We have cheerful news from Honolulu this month. I had the pleasure of baptizing a fine Japanese boy on December 20. Our efforts are bearing some fruit to the glory of God. Very heavy rains here now. We have to keep indoors. Pray for the work of the Lord in Honolulu.” Max Langpaap.

From W. N. Short, Forest Vale Mission, Bulawayo, S. Africa: “After a long trip we arrived safely at our destination. We found Brother and Sister Sheriff very fine people. Are pleased with the country too. We hope to get the school started as soon as possible for the training of natives for teachers among their own people.”

     We can now supply Matthew Henry’s famous commentary on the whole Bible, at $17.50. This is a splendid new edition of six large volumes, just off the Revell Press.

The Portland Avenue Bible Classes, Louisville, are the very best they have ever been. The attendance of preachers and prospective missionaries is most gratifying; and the attendance on the whole is the best it has ever been.

Arrangement is being made by the Portland Avenue Church to care for Christian girls who care to come to Louisville for the Bible Training Course.

Brother Jno. T. Brown, of Louisville, is quoted as saying in The Christian Standard that the churches that favor the congregational method in missions as opposed to the board “do not do the work.” What he says is too true of many congregations, but his attention is called to a church of this kind in his own city (The Highland Church) from which seven members have gone to the foreign field in the last three years— five of them for permanent missionary service. This church has no missionary society; it is one!

Only five or six copies of “Reminiscences and Sermons” remain. Free for two new subscriptions.

The Zip-High Monoplane is the most delightful toy for a boy that we know at anything near its money value (about 75c). Free for two new subscriptions.

     For good reasons, E. L. Jorgenson has asked that his article, promised for January, “Some Causes of the Present Discord,” be held for the March number of this Magazine. It is of much importance, and will, we believe, attract considerable attention.

Tracts on every subject— sample set of seven, 25c. We have a call to reprint the tract, “What Baptism is and What it is For,” E. L. J. Does any one else want a supply? 5c each, less in quantities.

R. G. Schell, of Toronto, Canada, writes: “On Dec. 11, the writer closed a meeting in Lockport, New York. This was the result of the efforts of Bro. C. D. LeVan, Pekin, N. Y . The church at Pekin helped some. The meeting was held in the beautiful and commodious building vacated by the First Congregational Church, which seats about four hundred and fifty. It is situated on the corner of Niagara and Church Streets in a city built on the Erie Canal just as it begins its decent of the mountain in a northeasterly direction for Lake Ontario. The population of the city is just over twenty thousand. “Although a great deal of advertising was done, the meetings were not well attended, especially the first week. One church just across the street and another about three blocks away, were holding special meetings. It seemed that all had reached the end of their fiscal year, and were ill at ease over their apparent inability to meet the debts. I think I never in the same length of time heard of more bazaars than were held in the various churches during my stay in Lockport. One church had two in one week. “ Of course all this worked against our meeting. The last week, however, we had larger audiences. The Mayor and several other prominent citizens of the town came; and while we had no additions, we succeeded, with the Lord’s help, in starting a congregation in the work of keeping house for her absent, world rejected Lord and Bridegroom.

“The latter part of the second week Brother Stille, of Newcomerstown, Ohio, came ‘to spy out the land’ with a view to locating there.

     A meeting of the church in Pekin and the brethren in Lockport was held in which Bro. Stille was invited to ‘try out’ in this field. I believe they have in Brother Stille a very fine man, and hope he will do great good there. He will labor with Pekin and Lockport. By request the writer repeated a sermon on the ‘Second Coming of Christ’ and spoke on ‘Christian Union.’ Both of these meetings were well attended. May God keep us in His love and fear, and may we ‘not be ashamed at His coming.’ ”

Just as we go to press, we learn of the death of Stanford Chambers’ father. Notice next month.

Chas. Neal is again located with the Dugger, Ind., church.

     We can still start renewals or new subscriptions with the January number where desired.


                      Copied and arranged by Sandra K. Naugle, Co-Editor of Word & Work.