Kentucky / Southern Indiana Church Leaders and wives will meet at Sellersburg Church of Christ on December 9th at 11:30  for their annual Christmas get together. Bring your own lunch.  It is always an enjoyable time.

     The Ladies of the Churches of Christ in Southern Indiana are planning a Ladies Inspiration Day for April 9th, 2022.  It will be held at Cherry St. Church of Christ.  We invite you ladies to come and enjoy a special day of inspiration and fellowship. Lunch will be provided.  The theme is: “Ladies Tea Party: Hebrews us to Perfection”.  There will be several speakers, most of whom will be known to those that have attended LID or the Fall Ladies Retreat in the past.  Please mark your calendars.  There will be information sent out in early 2022. 

     Many of the ladies that attended the Fall Ladies Retreat may not know that Kavanaugh Life Enrichment Center in Crestwood, KY, was closed permanently in 2020. This had been the location for most of the years of Ladies Retreat. The September 2019 Retreat was the 29th year.  We hope in the future to be able to find a location and schedule another retreat event, God willing.



Compiled by Sandra Naugle, Co-Editor of Work & Work.

Any news or announcements pertinent to this News & Notes  are welcome.  Inclusion is at the discretion of the editors.   Please send to