From Justin Simmons Facebook page
As I was walking on the treadmill listening to my prayer podcast, the host prompted us listeners to pray for our enemies. It’s a Christlike thing to do. It’s actually a commandment of Christ! But how often do I actually pray for anyone who might be my enemy? I don’t consider anyone to be my enemy. Yet I know there are enemies of my faith, enemies of my country.
As I pray for my brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, do I pray for the Taliban as well? It’s not something that comes naturally to me, which to be honest shows how many miles I have to go before I approach sharing the heart of Christ.
And so today I pray for the Taliban. Not for their success, but for their repentance. That they will cease to give themselves to darkness, and turn to the light of Christ. I pray that the Christians they seek to persecute will so radiate that light that those who seek their harm will be transformed by their love instead. God loves sinners. God loves members of the Taliban. God loves me.”
Justin Simmons is preacher at Glenmora Church of Christ in Glenmora, LA.