Reprint from Word & Work Magazine


     From Forest Hill, La.: “I closed an eight-day meeting at Cypress Creek, La., June 23. Large crowds, excellent attention, and seven buried with their Lord in Baptism. Included in the number was a son of Benoit Johnson, pioneer preacher of the Word, making the family circle complete in Christ.”—C. C. McQuiddy.

     From Pikeville, Ind.: “Meeting started here last night with an encouraging crowd.”—Frank L. Wheeler.

From Comanche, Okla.: “The meeting here closed with five baptisms. Brother G. A. Klingman goes to Corsicana, Texas, and I go to Alto, Texas.”—J. Paul Kimbrell.

  1. Leo Boles conducted a good meeting in the F Street Church, Louisville, in June.

From Honolulu: “Wife and I will sail for the coast May 25, but we are expecting another man here soon, perhaps before we leave. The hard battle has been fought and we are gaining the victory in Jesus’ name. We dislike very much to leave at this time, but conditions both here and at home make it necessary for us to return.”—J. H. Pennell.

     Later: The Pennells have arrived in America and should be addressed at 1106 Pine St., Zanesville, 0H. Max Langpaap will take up the work in Honolulu.

     The number of Word and Work Lesson Quarterlies in use has about doubled within the last year. They cost 5c each the quarter. We can still supply for the third quarter; also picture cards, 3c the set.

     ‘‘I have a tobacco cure that I want every tobacco user to try. It is composed of harmless roots that will cure the habit of chewing·, smoking, or using snuff, and stop all desire for tobacco in any form. If you want to stop the expensive and filthy habit, send me your name and address on a postal card.”—Loomis 0. Hinton, Spencer, Indiana. (Advertisement.)

     From Totz, Ky.: ‘Our meeting closed June 19, with results beyond our expectation. Eight confessed their faith in the Lord Jesus, and were buried with Him through baptism. One also laid aside her denominational name to wear His name only. This is a mission point. 1 am preaching a few nights in Dione this week, but will return to Totz for a two-weeks’ Bible class.”— Maurice Clymore.

     The tract, ‘’Why Not Be Just a Christian?” is in greater demand than ever before. For use preceding, or in connection with, evangelistic services, it is unsurpassable. $15.00 the thousand.

     Read what competent judges have to say about the new hymnal, “Great Songs of The Church,” on another page. For certain reasons no book can be like “Great Songs.” Two hundred song-books—all of them—were literally skimmed for their cream. “Great Songs” will please you at first sight; if not return it; and then it will grow on you, and just keep on growing on you. Think of it’ All the best in one book at last! 75c each, $60 the hundred, dozens at hundred rate.

     From Manchester, Ga.: “G. E. Claus and I are in a tent meeting at this place. The interest has exceeded all expectations from the beginning. There is good prospect of leaving a congregation at work here.”—J. Edward Boyd.

     The editor-in-chief spent a part of June in Texas. The door was wonderfully opened for the Word in the Dallas meeting, about forty being added to the congregation, most of them by primary obedience. A later letter from the Editor states that the Dallas meeting closed with 43 added from all sources. “I am thankful to the Lord.” says he, “for all His mercy and grace.”

  1. 0. Excell, the famous song writer, passed away on June 11. The beautiful song, “Sometime the burden will be lifted,” No. 283 in “Great Songs of The Church,” is the last published piece of the gifted composer.
  2. L. Jorgenson preached in Henning, Tenn., one week in June. There are no finer Christian people than those of Henning. At the close of this meeting, the two neighboring churches, Covington and Ripley, began protracted efforts. A. G. Freed, the well-known Christian educator, preaching at the former place, and that able singer-preacher, L. K. Harding, at the latter.

     Η. N. Rutherford is holding meetings at Utica, Ind., and at Fisherville, Ky. Leonard Daugherty, who ministers at both places, is with him in the work. “Rutherford is doing some fine preaching here at Utica,” so writes Bro. Daugherty.