Robert H. Boll (1875-1956)

From June 1921 Word & Work

     It was such a success and so enjoyable an occasion that we wonder why more of that sort of thing is not being done among the churches everywhere. The meetings opened with a prayer, and then the songs of the new book (“Great Songs of the Church”) were taken up by the leader—mostly the new songs, with enough of the more familiar ones to keep all interested.

     The attendance was excellent, the spirit enthusiastic; and the effect stirring and uplifting as that of a warm gospel-meeting—as which it deserved to be classed. If anyone had thought an instrument necessary in order to beautiful and effective singing, I believe those song-meetings would have reversed his opinion. An instrument would have been a hindrance rather than a help. We got a new revelation of the possibilities and the power of song in the Christian assembly. Incidentally the meetings were marked by an increasing appreciation of the wonderful collection of songs

     Brother Jorgenson has brought together in this book, rightly named “Great Songs of the Church.” It is a treasury of truth set to music; beautiful words and sweetest melodies. No one who has become acquainted with “Great Songs *of the Church” will ever want to do without it. I am not saying this merely by way of advertisement, and I have no financial interest in the book; but in sincere appreciation of its surpassing worth and excellence. As one of the singers present put it, “No book of its value has been produced since Adam’s day.” At the close of the last meeting the congregation expressed their appreciation of the great work Brother Jorgenson had accomplished through his long toil and labor in bringing out this book, and the good he had done to the church of the Lord thereby, by “a rising vote of thanks.” The sessions were held alternately in the church- houses of the Highland and Portland Avenue congregations. About fifteen different congregations from near and far were represented.