It was a most remarkable meeting- that R. H. Boll had at Dugger, Ind., lately. An effectual door was opened and the Word ran and was glorified. Fifty were added to the congregation, forty-two of them by primary obedience. R. A. Zahn ministers regularly in this church.
The Horse Cave, Ky., meeting continued in power until nearly a score of persons became obedient to the Word. H. L. Olmstead, who preached in this meeting, is now engaged with the Highland church, Louisville, in evangelistic services. He contemplates devoting the year to protracted meeting work.
R. H. Boll is now engaged in a meeting in Dallas. He preached in New Orleans enroute.
Stanford Chambers was in a meeting at Glenmora, La., when last heard from. The start was encouraging.
“I am in a series of gospel meetings at a school-house a few miles from Amite, La. The work at Amite is growing, but the meeting-house is still unfinished.”—W. J. Johnson.
Η. N. Rutherford had a good meeting at Lexington, Ky., in May. Six were added to the church. All who know this consecrated evangelist know that Christ must have been magnified in these meetings.
All the way from the land of the rising sun comes the report of a son born on April 26 to Harry and Pauline Fox.
A few copies of the editor’s book, Truth and Grace, discovered in stock, may be had at $1 each.
Later, from Glenmora, La.:’ ‘Splendid meetings, 15 taking- stand for Christ and His church to date and as many more Christians only found here. We will, by His grace, have a worshipping band here of the New Testament type. Praise the Lord. The new song book is the best I have ever seen.”—Stanford Chambers.
Most users are delighted with the Inkograph, the ink-pencil which may be had free for three new subscriptions at $1 each. A small proportion of the pens do not flow perfectly. If you receive one of these return it for another.
“Reminiscences and Sermons,” nearly 400 pages of matter, chiefly historical on the “Restoration,” may still be secured free for two new subscriptions.
The season of summer meetings is full upon us. Ask for samples of this magazine and make up a club. The paper will continue the work of teaching after the evangelist has gone. “Great Songs of The Church” (75c, $60 the hundred) will absolutely revolutionize your singing, and stir the fires of revival. Our tracts will supplement the pulpit teaching effectively. Set of seven kinds for 25c. Why not have a “literature table” at the door? Bibles, books, tracts, song books, magazines—ask this office to supply your table, and remit for what you may sell.
J. Scott Greer is in special meetings at Russell School-house church, near Bloomfield, Ky. E. L. Jorgenson spoke at the opening of the new church building there on Lord’s day May 29.
A note touching J. M. McCaleb’s needs appeared here last McCauley’s month, and some responded. And they have never given to a nobler, worthier worker!
The Word and Work, also The Word and Work Lesson Quarterly, have enjoyed a slow but steady growth for some time. These papers are teachers, not knockers or kickers; and this counts with the best of the people. Five years (under present management) of clean teaching has won the confidence of clubbers and agents. Nor do we intend to humiliate them with unseemly personalities and low-grade journalism. May we not expect the special co-operation of all through our “dry” season— June 1 to October 1?
No song book brought out within the last twenty years can be like “Great Songs of The Church.” Books taken back in any quantity if you do not agree with hundreds who have already ordered that no hymnal on earth even approaches it! And yet the price is less; 75c single copy, $60 the hundred. Address orders to Word and Work, Louisville, Ky.
A card from Baylor University, Waco, Tex., shows Brother E. W. McMillan in the Master’s graduating class. Congratulations.
We can recommend the Eagle “Mikado” pencil advertised in this issue. Probably no pencil surpasses it.