This prayer was written by Handley C.G. Mouie

especially for those of us who are older, I think.


Lord and Savior, true and kind, 

Be the master of my mind:

Bless and guide and strengthen still                               

All my pow’rs of thought and will.


While I ply the scholar’s task,

Jesus Christ, be near, I ask:

Help the mem’ry, clear the brain,

Knowledge still to seek and gain.


Here I train for life’s swift race

Let me do it by Thy grace;

Here I arm me for life’s fight,

Let me do it in Thy might.


Striving, thinking, learning still,

Let me follow thus Thy will,

Till my whole glad nature be

Trained for duty and for Thee.


Set to the melody of a 13th Century French tune and harmonized by Richard Redhead. (#637 in Great Songs of the Church song book)


Gleaned from Jackie Gill’s Facebook page.


Editor’s note:  I do not think I even knew this song was

In the Great Songs – from which I sing every Sunday.

I need to pray this prayer every day.