More than one hundred persons are in attendance at the Portland Avenue Bible Class on Friday night. A general survey of the entire Bible by books is being presented.
While Brother Janes is abroad, his mail comes to 1045 Everett Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky, where it is opened, and forwarded if necessary. The literature orders go then to Lawless Thompson, Louisville, who fills orders once a week. We make this note that readers may understand any slight delay in the handling of Brother Janes’ mail.
A unique piece of mail came to this office from a sister. It was an order for tracts, with money, and a tract enclosed. Upon the tract these words were written: “Heavenly Father, should this offering fall into the hands of robbers, let the trivet lead them to Christ, who saves to the uttermost.”
Earl C. Smith is engaged as county evangelist under the direction of the Pearl and Bryan street church, Dallas, in cooperation with the churches of that county.
A paragraph from Brother Janes’ report, published in some of the papers this year, should be a rebuke to the critics who tried to charge him with some fault in the management of the McHenry-Martin funds: “Brothers McHenry and Martin returned in all $312.08, but the one remittance I forwarded them after the evil report came about their change of faith, and while efforts were being made to restore them, was but a little over $100. Funds received for them and their work, and held up by me, amounted to $772.44, all of which was long ago disbursed according to previous reports.
From Harper, Kan.: “The second term of this session of Harper College has opened with several new students added to the enrollment. We are passing through the greatest year in the history of the school. More than three hundred students have been enrolled. Everybody likes the plan by which our students secure board at actual cost. Board for each student last month was less than fourteen dollars. And we have good board; ask the students.”—A. S. Groom.
Set of seven sample tracts, 25c.
Four copies Toney’s “Gist” remain on hand; “Midturn in Parvo”—40c each.
From Davis City, la.: “Brother Julius R. Clark and I closed a sixteen-days’ meeting at Vandalia, Iowa, on Sunday. Feb. 13. We had good interest throughout. One who had wandered away was restored to the fellowship.”—W. A. Sevedge.
From Westbrook, Me.: ‘‘We have Paul C. Young back with us again, and we are planning to make greater efforts than ever before. We rejoice to hear of the good work going on in Louisville.”—H. F. Stultz.
We thank those who sent us their January magazines, and would be thankful for a few more.
Look for the expiration notice—renewal notice, shall we call it?—under the wrapper, if your time is out. Renew promptly, so as not to miss a single copy.
From John Von Allmen: “To say that, the February number of W. and W. is fine is putting it very mildly. Thirty- two pages of reading matter that is all cream. Where can one find another magazine that is so chock full of good things from cover to cover! Some of the articles are easily worth the price of the paper for one year.” One of many a .letter like that. And they are very cheering.
W. J. Johnson writes from Amite, La.: “Bro. A. Shanks, of Vicksburg, Miss., gave us two good lessons on the first Lord’s Day in February. He reports several members located in Southwest Miss. He needs the fellowship of brethren that he pi ay be able to devote more of his time to preaching. He is needed in this south field. 1 am in a meeting at Doyle, La., a new field. Pray for the success of the work.”
From Montgomery, La.: “The Highland Park church of Christ is doing a good work. Interest is fine, two obeyed the Lord yesterday; thirteen have been added since October. I have never labored with a better people. T am teaching four Bible classes which are all well attended. This church plans to erect a new house soon.”—J. T Hines.
From Vicksburg, Miss.: “Following is a condensed report for the past ten days: I went to Amite, La., and preached one Lord’s day morning and night. From thence to New Orleans, preaching there on prayer-meeting night. On return trip stopped at Woodville, where we have a small church, preaching Sunday morning and night. Object of the trip was to get in touch with the brethren and learn the field so as to plan our work more intelligently. We find that we can do a good work from this point, Vicksburg. I learned of a number of worshipping bands and of places where there are many disciples not at work, and no preacher to help them; also a disorganized band at a point I hope to visit soon on return trip to Woodville. The work is opening up rapidly. The prospects are bright. More workers are needed.”—A. Shanks.
From Forest Hill, La.: “The church has just closed a meeting here in which ten souls were brought to Christ. Brethren strengthened and encouraged. Bros. Mason, McQuiddy, Matthews and Ramsey helped in the preaching. Five others were added to the body in January at a school-house five miles out of town in a meeting held by Bros. Matthews and McQuiddy.”—A. K. Ramsey.
Orders for cards and quarterlies for April, May and June should be dispatched not later than the middle of March. The demand increases with every quarter, and is now at its highest. Quarterlies cost 5c each; cards 4c per quarter.