Lecompte Church of Christ, Lecompte, LA — Bro. Jacob Roberts, Minister– Word & Work, the time-tested publication of the Church of Christ is now only available online. Go to WordandWork.org for the current issue. Contributors have included Don McGee, Michael Hildreth, Robin Gough, Larry Miles, and our own Jake Roberts.
Dr. Tommy Wayne Mobley, 70, of Bardstown, died December 2, 2019, at Flaget Memorial Hospital. Dr. Tom received his baccalaureate at Cincinnati Christian University and earned his Master’s and Doctorate from Southern Theological Seminary. He also studied at Louisville Bible College and Kentucky Southern College (U of L).
A minister of the Gospel, he was currently serving his second term as President of LBC. He previously was Registrar and Professor of Christian Education at CCU and College of the Scriptures and a Garrett Fellow at SBTS. Dr. Tom was a leader in the Kentuckiana Consortium of Restoration Colleges which included Louisville Bible College, the former SBS and College of the Scriptures. Many will miss his leadership and work for unity among the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. His funeral was Friday December 6, 2019. (Bennie Hill – former student of Dr. Tom)
Spartanburg, S.C. – A patient in hospice care knew he had one last dying wish: to get baptized. When his team of nurses and doctors found out about his wish, they did everything they could to make the elderly man’s dream come true. Jenis James Grindstaff always loved Jesus but never had the opportunity to be baptized. “He always read the Bible, but he had never been baptized,” his son, Jim, said. “He wanted to show he believed more than anything else.” And, he wanted full immersion, “I don’t want sprinkles.” So, the family flew in from all over the country to bear witness to his baptism.
Some people have been waiting for the rest of the story begun in “Africa in Their Bones” about the Garrett family and their ministry in Africa, and I have been urged to ask you to spread the word that it is ready. The second book about S.D. and Dollie Garrett, missionaries in Africa, is now finished. It starts where the first book left off in December, 1940, and relates how God used them to the end of their lives–to December, 2003. Whoever is interested should contact us by e-mail: hcloveland@yahoo.com or by U.S. mail: Carolyn Loveland 180 Shearer Lane, Richmond, KY 40475.
The first volume is also still available. Each book will cost $27 whether we mail or hand deliver.