Dear friends, as 2019 draws to a close, one should be reminded of God’s reckoning of time. Time is absolutely inconsequential to God and His purposes. He is not controlled or confined by time; He is not affected by time. His plans are not altered by time.
The Bible teaches us that God is never changing. He is an all- good and all-perfect and all-knowing God. If God was capable of changing, His status as omnipotent and omniscient would fall. If He could somehow change for the better, that would mean He was not perfect. If He could somehow change for the worse, that would mean (again) that He is not perfect.
Since God does not change, neither do His plans. Christ is still due to return soon. While we look at the calendar and understand the cross to be in the distant past, God does not. For with God, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years a day (II Peter 3:8).
For the unchanging God of heaven, the cross was a couple days ago – and so too, his inevitable return is imminent. While the world may or may not go through more tumultuous changes and trials in the coming months, God is still here, Christ is still coming – Maranatha
Jake Roberts is Minister of the Lecompte Church of Christ, Lecompte, LA