Please keep the family of Coy Campbell in prayer– Bro. Coy passed away on Nov 27, 2019 at age 91
2019 Thanksgiving Service: The annual Church of Christ Thanksgiving Service was held in the auditorium of Portland Christian School on Sunday evening, November 24th. A good crowd was in attendance. The main speaker was Tim Morrow, who had an interesting message about Job and the trials he endured when God allowed him to be assailed by Satan.
Ron Flora did a good job of leading singing. The Chorus, comprised of alumni of PCHS had practiced twice. As you sat and listened that was hard to believe. This group, under the direction of Phyllis Mullins and Kellie Pledger, produced a number of songs, that had you not known, you would think they sang together all the time. There were alumni represented from the 1950s through the 2020 graduating class. We hope to hear them again at next year’s Thanksgiving Service.
Cypress Creek Church of Christ (Oakdale, LA) Bro. Weldon Hebert is now Pulpit Minister there. Bro. Charles Seal is is also the Minister Bro. Hebert’s official date to start is December, 1, 2019
Glenmora, Church of Christ, Glenmora, LA I (Larry Miles) was blessed to have met the preacher at Glenmora on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2919. His name is Justin Simmons.
Central Louisiana Congregations: Bro. Larry Miles, the Co-Editor of Word and Work spoke on behalf of the Philippine Mission Work at the following congregations in November
- Wednesday, November 6, 2019: Lecompte Church of Christ, Lecompte, LA – Bro. Jacob Roberts, Minister
- Sun. November 10, 2019 (AM): Pine Prairie Church of Christ, Pine Prairie, LA – Bro. Michael Hildreth, Minister
- Sun. November 10, 2019 (PM): Turkey Creek Church of Christ, Turkey Creek, LA – Bro. Jamie Roberts, Minister
Bayou Jacque Church of Christ (Bro. David Broussard is the Preacher) 2019 Fall Fellowship. “Be Ye Transformed” Speakers: Danny Broussard (Oakdale Church of Christ) , Roy Platt (Jennings Church of Christ), and Michael Hildreth (Pine Prairie Church of Christ)
LaGRANGE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Kentucky) will be hosting the next 5th Sunday SING on December 29, 2019 beginning at 3:00 p.m. Everyone in the Kentucky/Indiana area is encouraged to join with others in a great time of Christian fellowship while lifting voices in praise to the Lord.
AS ANOTHER YEAR is winding down we continue to “LOOK FOR THE BLESSED HOPE AND GLORIOUS APPEARING OF OUR GREAT GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.” (Titus 2:13) What a wonderful time to be a part of the family of God and serving together with others of “LIKE PRECIOUS FAITH.” Our main purpose through the News & Notes each month is to report various happenings going on within the BODY OF CHRIST, HIS CHURCH. This is for encouragement to PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER! Please pray for the Lord’s church and remember Ephesians 4:11,12 “He gave some to be apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers, FOR THE EQUIPPING OF THE SAINTS – FOR (the saints) WORKS OF MINISTRY, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” What are YOU doing to EDIFY the body? Satan continues to work overtime because he knows “HIS TIME IS SHORT.” (Revelation 12:12) (Bennie Hill)