- Looking For The Lord - Stanford Chambers
- The Howl of the Wolf and the Hope of Christ - Jake Roberts
- As We Hurry and Scurry - Robin Embry
- About Christmas - R H Boll
- The Mystery of Saint Nicholas - Darren Johnson
- The Mighty Angels of Revelation - Nathan Jones
- Magi From The East - David Johnson
- Christmas – When Nobodies Become Somebodies - Bob Russell
- The Darker Side of Christmas - Justin Simmons
- Thoughts from Ephesians – # 37 How to Live Out Your New Identity (Eph. 4:25-32) Replace Rage with Kindness and Forgiveness - Larry Miles
- News and Notes - Bennie Hill
- Through A Dark Tunnel - Robin Gough
- The Rock That Is Higher Than I - Tim Brown
- Looking Back and Looking Forward - Jake Roberts
- What It Take To Make A Living Church - E L Jorgenson
- Crisis of Faith - Michael Hildreth
- A Fresh Start - Julius Hovan
- Bitterness – Blaming God for Our Trials (Ruth 1:19-22) - Larry Miles
- Pursuing Jesus Like Zacchaeus - Justin Simmons
- The Day Jesus Stood Up - Dale Jorgenson
- If God, Why God? - Dale Offutt
- Studies in Acts – The Healing of the Lame Man Acts Chapter 3 - Larry Miles
- Reflections From The Book of James - Stephen Bradd
- Thoughts From Ephesians Thought # 38 Imitate God Ephesians 5:1-17 Intro - Larry Miles
- So, What’s It Like?
- The Bridegroom and the Bride - Jim Rowe
- Why I Prefer an Invitation (Altar Call) to Close a Worship Service - Bob Russell
- Nothing is Impossible - Author Unknown
- News and Notes - Bennie Hill