This appeared in the July 1959 Missionary Messenger
The Lord has laid it on the hearts of Bother Robert and Sister Joy Garrett to prepare themselves for the Mission Field. Brother Dewitt Garrett, father of Robert, who has been a faithful worker for the Lord in the African vineyard for many years, is badly in need of more help, and has asked Robert and Joy to share in his ministry there. Unless the Lord indicates otherwise, it is Robert’s intention to join forces with his earthly father in serving his heavenly Father.
Brother Robert Garrett has served the Lord faithfully and efficiently on the faculty of the Portland Christian High School for the past two years. Our elders and the staff of P. C. H. S. will miss his presence and his services. Under no circumstances, however, would we hinder Robert as he heeds the call from fields already white unto harvest!
The congregation of the Portland Avenue Church of Christ, at Louisville, will be happy to sponsor Robert and Joy for this work and will undertake to offer them partial support. With their three little ones, however, the Garretts will need a greater financial underwriting than Portland is able to provide, in consideration of our ever-present work in the Christian School and our belief that the Lord would have this work expanded.
Here, then, is an opportunity for some other congregation to assist in this most worthwhile labor of love for the Lord. The Scots have a saying, “Mony a muckel maks a mickle!”—in other words, “Now, altogether, brothers, let’s put our shoulders to the wheel—dig down deep into the billfolds and be used of the Lord as His means of sending this godly family to the work where the need is so great, for the time is so short.” (signed)
The Elders,