Brother Stanford Chambers is holding a tent meeting in Linton Ind. Large crowds and two baptisms the second night.
100 Years Ago: August 1918:
- J. Johnson, of Amite, La., has just closed a good meeting at Oak Grove, La., with a number of accessions to the church.
90 Years Ago: August 1928:
From Chattanooga: “On June 29 Central Church in this city closed a very interesting meeting. The preaching was done by Η. N. Rutherford of Jacksonville, Fla. There was hearty co-operation of the other congregations. Large crowds attended. Brother Rutherford did some fine work among us. There were 24 baptisms, 1 restoration and 1 added from the Baptists during the meeting. The four Sundays since the meeting there have been seven baptisms, and nine to identify themselves with the church. “The Word and Work continues fine and we greatly enjoy it. Much success to the Word and Work forces. Pray for us.”—E. H. Hoover.
80 Years Ago: August 1938:
Tom Bean, Texas: “Bro. Boll just closed a two weeks meeting at Tom Bean July 17. Very fine crowds and wonderful preaching. As Bro. Boll grows older he is getting better. Four were baptized and much good done to strengthen the congregation here. Five very worthy men were appointed elders of the congregation which brings our total to six. We are very proud we had Brother Boll to hold our meeting and expect much good yet to come from his wonderful preaching. We thank our Creator in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for this wonderful, faithful man of our present day.”— Roe Miller.
70 Years Ago: August 1948:
New Orleans, La: “I have spoken to the boys and girls at Turkey Creek, Jennings, Bayou Jacque, and Seventh and Camp about a matter I choose to call “One for Me and Two for You.” If any of the young folk, including boys and girls of any age, who read the Word and Work and who are seriously interested will write me, I will mail in return a card of explanation.”— N. B. W right, 1129 Seventh St., New Orleans 15, La.
60 Years Ago: August 1958:
Dallas, TX Brother Frank Mullins, Sr. held a meeting at Piedmont (Old Fair Park’s new building and new location). How we did enjoy his messages! It seems that they were better than ever.
50 Years Ago; August 1968:
Nelsonville, Ky.We will begin an eight-day evangelistic meeting with Brother Jack Blaes, of Antioch church, on August 18. That day is also to be our annual basket dinner and singing service. —Robert Heid.
40 Years Ago, August 1978:
The Sellersburg Church of Christ is planning a Revival Meeting — September 10-17. 7:30 each evening, including Saturday. Everyone is invited. Brother Carl Kitzmiller, from Oakdale, Louisiana, is to be the evangelist
30 Years Ago, August 1988:
Gallatin Tennessee: The following have been selected and approved to serve as Elders: Ben Joe Moss, David Schreiner, Kenneth Stockdell, Earl Rodgers, David Stewart, Harold Whitaker’ Also 13 men as deacons.
20 Years Ago: August 1998:
Buechel Church of Christ (Bud Ridgeway, Minister) is hosting a Men’s Leadership Conference for Sept 12th from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. This is for all men, young and old (ages 15-100). The church is located at 2105 Buechel Bank Rd., Louisville, Ky. (502) 499-0724. Please let them know how many are coming in your group for the lunch to be provided.
10 Years Ago: August 2008:
At Woodland Bible Camp (Indiana) the Senior Citizen’s Week and the KBC/SCC Reunion were super, thanks to the hard work of Janell/Dick Lewis and Pie/J.R. Satterfield, and others.
Compiled by Larry Miles, Co-Editor of Word and Work