God’s Plan for the Family

2018 Kentucky-Indiana Fellowship Week

Reported by Sandra Naugle


The 2018 Fellowship is past.  It started off on Monday night, July 23rd, with the Music Camp youth singing for the crowd.  As usual, it was amazing what the leaders of this camp accomplish with a group of youth that range in age from 11 to 18 or older.  We enjoyed beautiful songs of Praise to Our God.

Night sessions were held at Sellersburg Church of Christ in Sellersburg, IN, and morning sessions at Portland Christian School in Louisville, KY.  Lunch was served from noon to 1:15 at PCS.

The sessions were well attended and the speakers did a fine job with their assigned subjects.

The subjects for each session and the speakers:

Time                                          Subject                                                            Speaker

Monday evening, July 23rd: 

Developing Our Youth (How We Get Our Youth Involved)                     Sam Marsh

Tuesday morning, July 24th

1st session:   Role of the Husband in the Family                                                  Rex Prather

2nd session:  Role of the Wife in the Family                                                        Eddie Olberding

3rd session (men): Child’s Responsibility in the Family                                      Gary Butts

3rd session (women):  Family Life in Our Present World                                    Betty Gillaspie

Tuesday evening:   How do we Create/Maintain Harmony?                                 Jerry Carmichael

Wednesday morning, July 25th

1st session:  Should Grandparents be Involved in Raising Grandchildren?          Bud Ridgeway

    2nd session: Are Grandparents Good Role Models                                              Joe Stone

3rd session (men): Where Does Discipline Enter the Picture with

the Grandparents?                         Buford Smith

3rd session (women): Family Life on the Mission Field                                        Crystal Hardin

Wednesday evening:  Harmony of the Local Congregation                                   Tommy Lanham

Thursday morning, July 26th.

1st session:  What Responsibility Does the Christian Have Toward Their

Family Based Upon Their Identity with Christ?                               Billy Laine

2nd session:  How Does the Youth Ministry Help the Family?                             Frank Preston

3rd session (men):  How Does the Leadership in the Church and Family

Help to do God’s work?                                                         Wayman Thompson

3rd session (women): Childhood on the Mission Field.                  Jo Ann Broaddus & Brenda Heid

Thursday Evening:  How Do We as a Fellowship of Several Congregations

Work Together to Accomplish God’s Work?                        Nathan Shelton

We look forward to another time of edification and fellowship in 2019 when the Kentucky-Indiana fellowship will once again be held.