Scripture is replete with references to its own usefulness for man. Believing, as we do, that it is God’s word, we turn to it for comfort, counsel, and conviction. Why? Because its words spring from the mind of Him who is eternal and all-wise.
Though the Bible attests to its usefulness for us, we have come, through experience, to find that its words are true and its counsel infallible. No other book has had as great an impact on the world as has the Bible. It has been read by people from all walks of life and has influenced some of the greatest people who have ever lived. In times of trouble it is a source of comfort and encouragement. In times of weakness it provides us with strength. In times of confusion and chaos it is an anchor that provides stability. For those who trust in its words, it is the guiding light that helps us navigate the difficulties of Earth.
The Bible tells us things about eternal matters that we cannot discern from earthly experience. Nature reveals some things about God (e.g., His power and greatness cf. Rom. 1:20). But, only through God’s word do we learn that He is “rich in mercy” and has “great love” for us. (Eph. 2:4) It is only through the scriptures that we learn that we have sinned and stand in need of salvation. (Rom. 7:7; Rom. 3:23) It is only through this same word that we know anything about Jesus and the purpose of his life and death. (Lk. 19:10; Titus 2:11-14) How could we make sense of death or know anything about Heaven and the hope of eternal life without God’s word? (Rev. 14:13)
We believe the Bible is the word of God. We believe it originated in the mind of God and was conveyed by the Holy Spirit to men in “words which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual” for our learning and admonition. (1 Cor. 2:7-13; 2 Pet. 1:16-21; Rom 15:4; 1 Cor. 10:11) James Orr once wrote, “It remains the fact that the Bible, impartially interpreted and judged, is free from demonstrable error in its statements, and harmonious in its teachings, to a degree that of itself creates an irresistible impression of a supernatural factor in its origin.” (Revelation and Inspiration, p. 216)
“How are precious is the Book divine, by inspiration giv’n! Bright as a lamp its precepts shine, to guide my soul to heav’n. This lamp, thro’ all the tedious night of life, shall guide my way, Till I behold the clearer light of an eternal day.” (John Fawcett)