“Celebrating 70 Years By God’s Grace” was the theme for the week. Our attendance for the week was better than 2016; we had 197 for Monday night, 110 Tuesday, 143 Wednesday and 90 on Thursday night. The day sessions were also well attended 53 on Tuesday, 61 on Wednesday and 64 on Thursday. All of the speakers presented very good lessons on the Holy Spirit, the Last Days, Our Freedoms in Christ, God’s Grace and the Signs of the times. Singing was very good to hear, the song leaders did quite a job in getting a variety of songs before the congregation. And as usual the food for lunch served by several ladies representing many congregations was excellent. There was a great atmosphere of fellowship created by those from both sides of the river and several from out of town. All in all, I would access the week as being very successful. Don’t forget, the 2018 Fellowship will need a replacement Chairman — Ron Flora
Remaining Schedule for Woodland Bible Camp, Inc.
Senior Citizen’s Week September 11-15 (Monday 1 p.m. – Friday noon) Contact: Rex & Marcia Prather (502) 458-8199 or email rexandmarcia@peoplepc.com
Annual Meeting September 12 Tuesday at 6 p.m. during SCW
Fall Retreat September 29-Oct.1 (Friday 6 p.m. – Sun. 1 p.m.) Director: Jeff Adams Contact Jeff at (812)987-6006 or email jeffreywadams58@gmail.com
Central Bible Seminary (Philippines) We, teachers, and staff of Central Bible Seminary (CBS formerly CBI) are again praying and calling the Lord’s disciples to study in the Seminary to be better equipped for the ministry and be prepared for the harvest. Enrollment is going on and classes will start August 1, 2017. Once more we are praying for alumni, local churches, and generous Christians who are interested and have the heart to partner with us in prayer and provision to fulfill CBS mission namely:
- Making Disciples of Christ (Matthew 28:16-20). Praise God that many of us became disciples of Christ and had a good Christian foundation through CBS.
- Preparing God’s people for works of service. (Eph. 4:12) Thank God that many alumni are active in doing the ministry until now.
- Equipping Servant leaders who will train others. (2 Timothy 2:2) Rejoice with us for alumni who did not only become dedicated disciples but active ministers who trained others also.
Thank you for giving to mission and evangelism so that we can help our alumni (especially those under the Church of Christ Worldwide) as we do church planting, mission, evangelism, and in training others.
The greatest mission is the Great Commission of making disciples of all Nations. Thank you for being our partner in this ministry that will last for eternity.
Bro. David Moldez (davidmoldez@yahoo.com
From KNOWLESLETTER (July, 2017) “Friends, we have a battle to fight, a race to be finished, and a faith to be kept. We cannot throw in the towel, drop out of the race, or jettison our Christian faith (as was done at Yale University). Nor can we afford to lose our conviction for truth and our compassion for people. Let us strive to finish well and leave behind a strong three-fold legacy of conviction, compassion, and completion.” (condensed from my sermon “Leaving a Legacy,” preached May 28, 2017, at Mt. Hope Church of Christ, Webb City, Missouri) Victor Knowles