Sometime ago, I was challenged by a comment in Sunday school. It led me to conclude that even though we spend a lot of time pointing out problems, we generally spend very little time actually doing something about them.
As a result, I have begun running a slideshow of simple suggestions to help our church family grow in functionality. I call the slideshow “Functional Faith Family.”
This week and next, I will be using several of those simple suggestions in this eNewsletter. I pray they will be a blessing to you and your church family.
Face Time
Do you know everyone’s name? If you are like me, faces are easy, but names come hard. Familiarization is the key.
- Get a church directory.
- Open it to a family that is unfamiliar.
- Lay the directory in an obvious place that will force you to see it several times each day.
- Drill yourself on their names every time you see the directory.
Be There!
Bible class teachers devote a great deal of time to preparation. Encourage them by being present.
- Arrive on time.
- Take notes.
- Ask questions and make comments.
- Study the topic ahead of time.
- Give greater priority to the study of God’s Word than you do to school, work, or recreation.
- Be there!
Imagine Friendship
Think of the auditorium and where people sit on a typical Sunday morning. What person(s) needs a friend?
- Start slow.
- Make it your goal to engage them in conversation at every service.
- Invite them out to eat after service.
- Invite them into your home.
Invite a Friend
Check the church calendar. Take note of the next church function and ask yourself, “What person could I invite who would benefit from that event?”
- Family
- Co-workers
- Fellow students
- Members who need to be drawn more fully into the mix
Galatians 6:10 (NIV) “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
Few things are more urgent or important than preparing ourselves to be functional, and therefore, a benefit to the family of believers. Less talk, more action!