Words of Life radio program, (WOL) needs financial help to continue sharing the Good News about Jesus with a world desperately in need of a Savior. We believe the Bible provides all needed information to guide one seeking truth to Jesus Christ, the Messiah sent from God.

John writes that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Jesus is that Savior sent from God the Father to redeem all who choose to come to Him for salvation.

Jesus invites every Christian to share the Good News of His salvation and of His coming for His followers.  He commissioned His Apostles to spread the Good News and then through Peter’s letter, included all believer as bearers of Good News, (Matthew 28:18-20; I Peter 2:9-12, 21-25).

Radio programming is one of the best ways to reach into the dark corners of the world and Words of Life (WOL) is dedicated to proclaiming the Good News about Jesus Christ to those dark areas.

You receive this bi-monthly newsletter from WOL because of past correspondence with us, or because some friend thought you would appreciate what WOL is doing and sent your name to us.  We appreciate your interest in sharing the Good News about Jesus, so we invite you to continue your financial support, or to begin supporting WOL.

Several faithful donors have been called home to our Lord.  We rejoice in their going home even though their leaving reduced our income. The “belt-tightening” uncertainties of our national economy caused other donors to reduce their giving. Thus we invite you to consider taking up some of the financial burden of WOL.

If you’ve been with us for a while you know that WOL is a tax deductible non-profit organization.  All donations are used to buy air time and to produce and send out the programs.  Brother George Haas manages the office, does all the recording with each speaker, the scheduled mailings, the equipment maintenance and handles all the unexpected happenings that go with this work.  For his time and effort Brother George receives a small monthly salary.  His is a work of love!  The Board and all speakers volunteer their services as part of the body of Christ.  Our desire is to win souls for God’s eternity.

Our Statement of Faith:  All members of the Board of Directors and all speakers for WOL accept the Bible as inspired of God; that the Bible has never been wrong, though attacked daily; that God created man in His image, giving him responsibility to make choices; that due to Adam’s sin all creation came under the sin curse; and that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah promised through Moses and the Prophets and is the only answer to man’s sin problem.

Only our Lord knows the value of WOL to people throughout the world who seek the God of Salvation.  Jesus is their answer.  Please pray with us that God will continue blessing this radio program ministry to the saving of souls into His eternal kingdom.

Buford Smith

For the Words of Life Board of Directors