Senior Week at Woodland Report: (Alan Borders)
June 11-17
Directors: Justin Adams & Jon Adams
There were 45 campers plus 18 staff and staff children for Senior Week. Several are staying over as campers and staff for next week. Four baptisms according to my wife. They are having a very good week even though they had a power outage Monday afternoon and a water problem this morning. All was repaired and is well hoping nothing else goes wrong.
Junior Week at Woodland Report: (Jerry Carmichael)
June 18-24
Directors: Jerry Carmichael & Jeff Adams
Our theme was “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” with the emphasis on Creation. We had 22 adult staff members (including five couples), 17 teen staff helpers, 24 campers, and 5 week campers. Classes were all about God’s Creation. David McQueen spoke to everyone during morning chapel and shared with us his experiences as a geologist, especially telling about his archaeological digs in Israel, including Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. He also showed us some artifacts that he has found over the years. He had us set up a mock dig sight and taught the teenagers how to do an archaeological dig and make a record of their findings. Jeff and I are thankful for the good week.
Remaining Schedule for Woodland Bible Camp, Inc.
Music Week
July 16-24 (Sunday – Monday)
Directors: Joan Marsh, Ginna Marsh & James Embree
Grades 9-12 & First Two Years of College /Age 20
Contact Joan at 859)234-3386 or emain at
Final performance will be at Sellersburg Church of Christ, the evening of July 24. Parents should pick up their children there
Senior Citizen’s Week
September 11-15 (Monday 1 p.m. – Friday noon)
Contact: Rex & Marcia Prather (502) 458-8199 or email
Annual Meeting
September 12 Tuesday at 6 p.m. during SCW
Fall Retreat
September 29-Oct.1 (Friday 6 p.m. – Sun. 1 p.m.)
Director: Jeff Adams
Contact Jeff at (812)987-6006 or email
Live churches are constantly changing;
Dead churches don’t have to.
Live churches have lots of noisy kids;
Dead churches are fairly quiet.
Live churches’ expenses always exceed their budget;
Dead churches have few ministries and low income.
Live churches are constantly improving for the future;
Dead churches worship the past.
Live churches move out in their faith;
Dead churches operate by human sight.
Live churches focus on people;
Dead churches focus on programs.
Live churches are filled with tithers;
Dead churches are filled with tippers.
Live churches dream great dreams for God;
Dead churches relive nightmares;
Live churches don’t have “can’t” in their dictionary;
Dead churches have nothing by “can’t.”
Live churches evangelize;
Dead churches fossilize.
(Author unknown)
E.M. Bounds (from – Bill Koenig)
“The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day.”